View Full Version : Worst day in ages!!

14-07-11, 21:20
So today was supposed to be a good I had some lovely plans to just go shopping and having lunch with my lovely mum, but from the moment I woke up I have felt weird, I have had a really bad pain in my back since last night and I just cant stop worrying about it, I have a bad stomach ache, diarrihia, a headache I feel sick.
I feel so shaky and not really with it, I was in tesco and I felt so odd like I was there but not really, and my breathing is short and my chest feels so tight and I feel awful, but its my back that I cant stop thinking about and I am so worried and getting more and more anxious but I dont want to be.
My fingers and hands are tingling is this normal, I feel horrible what can I do please help I feel so horrible, I thought I was getting over this but im not.
I hate it!!!!

15-07-11, 04:08
Hey i know how you feel i'm exactly the same most the week i've been fine then last two days boom i get it again. Sipping water and doing some breathing exercises helps but most can do is just wait it out which i know can be hard. If your back still hurts go to your gp and see what they say,i have bad back pains which get worse when i'm about to and during an attack as my body gets so tense from it. Fingers and hands tingling wise i think it is normal as i have same thing try stretching and clenching them quickly as have found this helps ease it. hope this helps in some way x

jaded jean
15-07-11, 06:40
Hi there .
I have had exactly the same situation this week with the anxiety-I honestly feel like there was no trigger for it but it came none the less. I wake up with that same old thought or song going thru my head on full volume . I have also felt sick shakey cant eat etc etc and all I want to do is go to the safe haven of my bed!! I think it could could be we got confident and maybe slipped back a bit?? I dont know as long as its not here for long:blush: