View Full Version : I really hope someones awake!

15-07-11, 00:05
I am freaking out so bad!

So googling is a terrible thing todo but i am sick and tired of my face feeling so weird on one side! anyway im currently on antibiotics for a ear infection and i have read it can spread to the brain IM WORRIED THIS IS WHAT HAS HAPPENDED!?

15-07-11, 00:47
I get ear infections quite a lot and your face does feel odd , don't believe what u read on dr google as it's there to scare folks. It's perfectly normal to feel as u do xx don't worry x

15-07-11, 00:53
Hi, I doubt very much that it's spread to your brain! Ear infections can cause pain and discomfort, not just in the ear, but all around the surrounding area... You'll be fine, just give it time to heal :)

15-07-11, 03:58
I read the same thing about teeth infections :( but you are on antibiotics so no chance of that happening, think of how babies get ear infections all the time and their immune systems are Not fully developed but yet they all end up ok in the end.
Remember the thought of getting a brain infection is simply a thought caused by your imagination, try and think I'm having the thought if such and such happening , hope your ok x

15-07-11, 21:36
thanks guys! I also read about Brain lesions... and got so worried!

15-07-11, 21:40
i just looked up on google for you and to be honest youve got a very rare and slim chance of it getting to the brain according to some yahoo answeres and dr cradle of the ear NSG ONLINE so take your meds and im sure you will be fine :)

15-07-11, 21:46
Technically speaking, couldn't any infection potentially spread to the brain? Youre going to be fine, but it's easy for someone else to say! Had the flu a few months ago and I was petrified it was swine flu.... Then pneumonia... Ha turns any simple illness into something sinister. God damn HA!

15-07-11, 22:26
you guys have made me calm down alot! Thank you so much xx Does anyone know much about Brain lesions?

15-07-11, 22:36
Look how anxious we get with anything that goes wrong in our bodies!!
We're not enjoying our lives and worry about death constantly.
I find it starnge that i worry about a sniffle or a rash but don't bay an eyelid at driving a car or walking along a busy road or even cycling without a helmet!!!
We need to get a grip and start enjoying ourselves.
Never ever google symptoms it's dangerous for your health.