View Full Version : Panic breathing

30-04-06, 07:36
Hey there
this website is brill - but although I am trying to fight the panic - I still get dizzy weird spells when I feel hot and faint and then the panic breathing kicks in and I cant stop it and trying to relax my breathing makes it worse - help! anyone any ideas? Wenjoy x[Sigh...]

30-04-06, 11:46
Perhaps don't try too hard to concentrate on the breathing then and more on your body ie; drop the jaw, shoulders and tum and see if that helps. I know when I am struggling my shoulders are up near my ears!!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-04-06, 11:47
there is alot of info on how to breath right in this site, but if you are overbreathing you might want to read a book that was reccomended to me by lisa called the hyperventilation syndrom by dinah bradley. it s very good and explains alot

i think the section her eon breathing right may be in the welcome section im not sure

hope this helps


May Day
30-04-06, 17:33
Hi Wenjoy

Feeling feint is the lack of oxygen to your brain caused by the fast breathing. I get this from time to time. If possible lay down for a few minutes and try to actively concentrate on slowing your breathing down. Don't try to fight the panic. Tell yourself its just a feeling you are having now and that it will pass. This works well for me and i hope it does for you to.

Take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

01-05-06, 21:13
Hey There,

Welcome to this fantastic website. You have definitely come to the right place !!

Breathing can seem quite hard at times, even though it is the most natural thing in the world to do. However, controlling your breathing is a different ball game.

Sometimes, when I find myself getting short of breath and having to take small shallow breaths, I immediately recognise how I am holding my posture - am I bend forwards and I hunched over and I sitting on the edge of my chair etc? Once I have rectified this, I just take in deep breaths for 5 seconds then out for 5 seconds. Keep your thoughts totally on the rythm of your breathing. Then realise straight away that there is absolutely no need to panic, you are fine, you are breathing normally.

Easy to say, I know, and it does take practice. The best times to practice really are when you are feeling completely comfortable, free of panic, relaxed, just take a few deep breaths in and listen to your chest rising and falling. It's hard to do this when you are in full panic mode, so try to remember next time you are completely relaxed.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes


If the opportunity doesn't knock .... build a door.

02-05-06, 07:12
Hi guys
thanks for your advice i will try and let you know how I get on.
Keep smilin. Wenjoy

03-05-06, 11:15
Please take a minute and look up DIAPHRAGM BREATHING on this site. I discovered it through here and it really makes a difference.
In essence, you breathe in a counter-intuitive way: pushing your diaphragm muscles OUT when you breathe IN, and pulling them IN when you breathe OUT. It's a technique for super-effective breathing. Good luck!