View Full Version : Feeling horribly sick constantly!

15-07-11, 10:32
Does anyone else get this? It's really upsetting as I am emetophobic and the nausea causes me to feel panicky alot and I suppose the panic fuels the nausea, it's a vicious circle.

I take metoclopramide every day, but it doesn't help at all. How do others cope with this?

15-07-11, 11:01
Hi rocklover, I would think if the metoclopramide isn't working, it might be best to stop taking it, as it can cause other problems in the long run... have you tried grated root ginger steeped in boiling water for 10 minutes? I found it brilliant for that sicky feeling :)

15-07-11, 11:09
What sort of problems can it cause? I really can't stand ginger unfortunately, tried it during both my pregnancies.

17-07-11, 11:04
Hiya, you shouldn't take it for more than 12 weeks as it can cause irreversible damage to your stomach. Most conventional meds will cause problems which will then need another med to rectify it... eventually you may find yourself taking 8 different meds just because you took one to begin with :( It would be so much better if you could just take the ginger (with a spoonful of honey)... and there would be no nasty side-effects as it's perfectly natural :) I eat and drink things that I never thought I could.. celery for example (yuk)...but because of my unbearable menopausal symptoms I just get on with it. I think sometimes rocklover, we have to just take a leap of faith, and trust in things that we've never before trusted in :) Good luck

17-07-11, 11:19
I've been experiencing nausea since December, most days, to varying degrees. Eventually I had an endoscopy a few weeks ago and in my case they found duodentitis and oesophagitis. I've been on Lansoprazole for 18 months for acid reflux and it does seem to prevent the reflux. However, this doesn't really account for the nausea. In fact he suggested I double the dose for a short time . . . and guess what; the nausea has got worse!! (apparently a side effect of PPI's).
My GP recently suggested I try Metoclopramide for the nausea, but so far I haven't plucked up enough courage to start taking, because some of the listed side effects include restlessness, irritability and anxiety . . . . the last thing I want on top of the existing anxiety I've had in the last few months.
As things stand, I believe that my nausea (and duodentis etc) is ultimately caused by the underlying anxiety state (GP has described it on my sick notes as 'acute stress reaction') . . . originating from work-related stress.
So, I'm currently trying hard to focus on relaxation, reducing alcohol etc. I've also started taking a powerful multi-vitamin and (slow release) ginger capsules (for the nausea symptoms), but these don't appear to be helping as yet.
Other potential remedies for helping to reduce nausea I've read are mint, peppermint, acupuncture, ginseng.

21-07-11, 12:35
Hiya, you shouldn't take it for more than 12 weeks as it can cause irreversible damage to your stomach. Most conventional meds will cause problems which will then need another med to rectify it... eventually you may find yourself taking 8 different meds just because you took one to begin with :( It would be so much better if you could just take the ginger (with a spoonful of honey)... and there would be no nasty side-effects as it's perfectly natural :) I eat and drink things that I never thought I could.. celery for example (yuk)...but because of my unbearable menopausal symptoms I just get on with it. I think sometimes rocklover, we have to just take a leap of faith, and trust in things that we've never before trusted in :) Good luck

Now I'm terrified! I was on Cyclizine for the whole of my pregnancy as I felt so sick, the drs never tell you the drugs they give you will harm you in some way. I am trying to cut down on the Metoclopramide and never take 3 a day, but I really hate ginger, aren't there any alternatives?

21-07-11, 13:21
Have you tried mint tea this works well for me, camomile is good too it has the added benefit of calming your nerves too..its a very relaxing drink.Ive also worn those motion sickness bands the one you wear around your wrist maybe you could try that to see if you get some relief.
I also agree that if that particular medication is no longer working for you then you should discuss it with your doctor and see if theres an alternative...domperidone is often used for nausea.All medications come with there associated risks but sometime
the benefits out way them..you have to decide with the help from your gp what is right for you.