View Full Version : i still feel sick after 3 weeks on citalopram

15-07-11, 11:06
Hi how long does this sick feeling last for? I am now in my 4th week the 1st week I was on 20 mg and doctor then put me up to 30mg so I have been on 30mg for the last 2 and a half weeks. I also still feel fearful and also my head achs. I am better than I was which is a bonus.

Cathy xx:D

15-07-11, 12:07
Hi Cathy ,I too felt sick for weeks ...It takes 4- 6 weeks for each dose to settle .Most of the side effecs will go around the 3-4 week period .Till then try to just get thru one day at a time .Drink plenty of water and eat small ammounts often ,Chrystalised ginger is good for the sickness ..Hope you feel better soon .luv Sue x:hugs:

15-07-11, 12:29
i'm lucky not had a lot of sickness. Make sure you try to eat little and often and stick with it. It will take time :hugs:

15-07-11, 12:36
Thanks for your replys. I am glad to know this as it does make u feel a bit miserable when your tummy is upset all the time. I also think it is hard to accept that I have to take them. I am sure once i start feeling a bit upbeat with my mood I may just start accepting that for the time being i should carry on with them.

I also wandered how long you can be on them for? I have two cousins who have been on seroxat for 10 years and thy wont come off them. If you have anymore advice i would be very grateful Thanks again

Cathy xx:shrug:

15-07-11, 14:07
For a lot of us having to take this kind of medication is a bit hard Cathy .But its no different than having to take any other kind of medication .Nervous illness like any other condition sometimes needs the aid of something to get back to how we should be feeling .As for the time span ,,there is no time limit ..Some come off after 6months of feeling symptom free .But its recommended to stay on them for 9-12 months first time .Second timers ..2years ..This will depend on what else you do to help yourself .Be it CBT ,Relaxation /meditation .Positive thinking .Diet /excercise Councelling .Reading as much as you can about why and how this affects you .Finding coping skills .Acceptance oF the fact You cant and wont be able to change everything, but to make some life style changes that are possible .Unrealistic goals and low self esteem will hold you back .So be kind to your self .Leave the past where it belongs and move on with your life .Nothing is gained from dwelling on past errors of judgement and asserting self blame .If Stress is a major factor in your life .Find ways to combat that .All these things will help you recover .These changes will be needed for life and hopefully will leave you a much self aware and stronger person .Meds will help you do this .but the rest is up to you ..Its possible to recover and never need them again .But a slower the better approach to coming off is the way forward .Good luck Cathy ..be patient for now ,Things will change soon for the better ..just wait and see ..T/c Sue x:hugs:

15-07-11, 15:52
Thanks Suzy, what you say is what i need to do now be kind to myself and don't beat myself up because of the way I am at the moment. I will calmly take my meds and keep as positive as I can. Thanks for your good advice.

Cathy xx :yesyes:

03-08-11, 19:38
are you feeling better? I am on week 3 of citalopram and still getting the headaches :( did they ever go away for you?

04-08-11, 15:56
Wish I could say I was feeling better but I am still getting headaches and jaw clenching I think that is what makes my head ache and I am still anxious, but i only upped from 30mg to 40mg in the last 2 weeks so maybe that's why I am still not feeling good. I am not giving up because thy worked for me last September when I first started taking them. I just stopped taking them at Easter really really bad move. I stopped them because I was feeling my old self again.


04-08-11, 20:01
I am in the same boat as you and I stopped taking them too back in march. Maybe thats why we are having side affects for longer :/ I hope you start feeling better soon! I think the jaw clenching is doing that too me too.


04-08-11, 21:22
Hi sara

I get exactly the same headaches as you I take paracitamol for them thy are horrible I am going dentist next fri to see if i can get a bite thing for when i go to bed as worried i am wearing my teeth down. the pain in the morning is awful then I get the the nerves in the tummy. When I came off them that was well what you said I went right back to square one with anxiety depression the fear not sleeping worrying. I have just forced myself to go to zumba tonight and i must say i am glad i did feel ok more relaxed. We just got to try and stay with the pills and keep positive and dont fight the fear just let it go through you and out. lol.

I will defo be staying on these pils longer than 6 months but as you said it could take us longer to feel better as we came off them too quick we can only hope keep me informed as how you are getting on.

Cathy xx

07-08-11, 03:11
Hey, I have been on Citalopram 60mg for 19 months now, the jaw clenching is the main problem i have but it comes and goes......the sickness stopped for me when i started taking them before bed rather than in the morning-even now if i take them in the morning i feel nauseous which i can't stand.......the main problem is if you forget to take them........after 3 days i cant walk around because my head is spinning that badly, along the same lines of when you get labrynithitus (sp!) an ear infection that leaves your head spinning,,,,,,,,,,,,i would say persevere but if they are truly not working for you then speak to your doctor-ask the receptionist if they have someone in the surgery who is trained in mental health as sometimes the doctor you have been seeing isn't really that 'up' on it.......you can also buy gumshields on the internet as the dentist will cost you a fortune!!!! keep positive xxxxxx

16-05-12, 01:51
I've just been prescribed citalopram and am 16weeks pregnant. I also work mornings full time. I'm wondering how sick I will be, can anyone help give me an idea of what to expect at work.