View Full Version : Head Pressure Forehead/Nose ???

15-07-11, 14:30

I hope someone or better still many of you can help, I suffer from extreme HA and Phobia of Dying:weep:
Have been doing really well lately and come off the Citraplam about 3 months ago and thought I'd cracked it !!!:yahoo:
Over the past month I was unaware that the little HA niggles were coming back until last week when I had the weirdest sensation across the front of my forehead and bridge of nose. It was as if someone had it held in a grip like vice and was squeezing...like a popping pressure not really painful but feels awful !!!
Went to GP, and they seem happy that at 37yrs old previous tests show fit & well, had 2 MRI's last one about 3.5yrs ago(on head) BP 110/80 that its normal anxiety symptoms......
Is this normal as I have not had this before ???? I am scared and told GP as I go away on my own with my 8yr old son to Turkey in 2 weeks and I dont want to spend the whole holiday stressing a sourcing out medical attention !!!
He has put me on bisprione ??? not had this either started taking this on Tues and head feels stuffy then every ???

Please Please Help xx:bighug1:

17-07-11, 09:00
I too have had this. I'm guessing its anxiety related. I had a sinus infection at xmas and that was awful..so sometimes I wonder if its also related to that.

At the moment I'm having strange feeling in my ears linked all round to my nose. Its hard to know when somethings a genuine illness or just something Mr Heath Anxiety has decided to magic up to set me off again!

I go thru same, feel fine for months, then wham starts off small and creeps up tapping you on shoulder and a full on HA attack!

17-07-11, 15:43
I have also experienced this recently. Especially during a recent wait at an airport which made me super anxious. It comes and goes. I have no sinus issues or anything else that would indicate a reason for this.

27-01-12, 16:27
I suffer with this too, I do also suffer with ear infections. I was convinced the pressure was due to sinus trouble but I have had laser treatment on my nose as the was too much nasal tissue there and the pressure is still there. So am thinking it must all be anxiety, it's awful :-(

Am at the docs on Monday and think I am finally going to have to give meds a try, I have been putting in off for over a year now but things aren't getting any better :weep:

27-01-12, 16:46
Oh my goodness yes! I thought it was just me!!!

I put it down to my blood pressure or just general stress seeing as it doesn't take much to get me stressed lol.
It happens quite often really. It sounds as though it is all another symptom of anxiety so try not to worry about it too much....easier said than done I know!

Enjoy your trip to Turkey :D

27-01-12, 16:48
definitely sounds sinus and anxiety related. I have sinus problems and feel this often ... mine are due to allergies and when I am around the things I am allergic to, I get this feeling.

27-01-12, 18:14
hhat do you take for your allergies? are you on anxiety meds too?

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:13 ----------

Does anyone also get ear pressure as well as the forehead pressure and it turns out its all anxiety? I also get a bit of dizziness and warm flushes.

27-01-12, 18:59
I agree with above. I suffer a lot with my sinus's and allergies this sound like a combination of sinus/anxiety. Try not to worry.:hugs:

27-01-12, 19:04
do you take anything for your allergies / sinus problems Carefree?

Im using nasal wash and nothing else at the moment x

27-01-12, 19:18
Does it work?

Just the usual 3 courses of Nasonex Spray and lots of antihistamine. Really fed up with it. Know one seems to know what I am allergic to...Really helpful. Was supposed to have drainage op, but have not plucked up the courage yet. How about you any success?

27-01-12, 19:53
The nasal douche they call it is really good I have also been prescribed nasonex to use as and when. I had some nasal tissue removed and my breathing is better but that's about it :-(

The douch is 2 pints of water, a pinch of bicarbonate of soda and a table spoon of salt all boiled together in a pan, then u let it cool and use a plastic syringe to squirt up each nostril upto 4 times a day, keeps your nose nice and moisturised :-)

27-01-12, 20:08
ewwwwwwwwww! Need to get my head round that (or should I say nose) ;-)

27-01-12, 20:10
:roflmao: it is not as bad as it sounds once u get used to it! Honest

27-01-12, 22:18
Hi, I take zyrtec (citirizine) once a day for my allergies, and i just got prescribed hydroxyzine hcl for my anxiety to use on an as needed basis. What i learned was that hydroxyzine also helps allergies too, so two benefits in one :)

Something that also helps is a neti pot and saline nose spray.

27-01-12, 22:46
Is it ok to take an allergy tablet once a day every day? Do you know what your allergies are (I have no idea) wish I did its so frustrating.

but I will deff do some research into neti pot and the saline douch. The trouble is I have no actual sinus pressure in my nose apparently its blocked behind my eyes.

How about you?

Hope you don't mind me asking?? xx

27-01-12, 23:09
It should help anyway. Sometimes I don't have nasal congestion, but I can feel the congestion and pressure behind my eyes or in my cheek. But the neti-pot and saline I find help get things moving and draining. So you may have drainage after. I think I read somewhere that it makes the cilia in your nasal passageways and sinuses move again the right way.

It is perfectly fine to take an allergy tablet once a day every day. I've been doing it for a few months now. I started with Allegra (fenofexadine i think is the real name) but then switched because it stopped working to the zyrtec. Actually those are over-the-counter, and I did not know what my allergies were until just recently when I finally got tested at the allergist office.

Turns out I am allergic to dust, mold, cats (I have a cat!!), dogs, pistachios, cashews, mixed trees, grass, ragweed, etc. And I did not think I had any before this year, hah. But working with the allergist has really helped. If you can get to one, I recommend it. It's good to know anyway just to be aware of what might trigger you to feel sick.

Oh and just to add - if you are allergic to indoor stuff like dust and pet dander, a HEPA air purifier can help too. I bought one and it has helped me a lot because I refuse to get rid of my cat.

28-01-12, 09:46
I got referred to ENT to have allergy tests done and I am only allergic to dust mite. Sometimes when the head pressure is so bad it feels like my head will explode lol

Aren't we blessed with sinus trouble and anxiety.

28-01-12, 10:22
I can't believe I have not been referred to anyone I have had allergies for years, mine I know are green chilli and green peppers for deffo lip swells random parts of my body swell and hives and obviously this has developed into my sinus now being blocked yet I have no facial/nose pressure just head and eyes.

I wonder if I could go to GP and ask for a referral someone must be able to give me a clue. I also have a cat really hope its not her.

28-01-12, 10:31
YOur GP should be able to refer you to ENT and they do pin prick tests and they can tell u wot u r allergic too. It doesnt hurt and it doent take long either.

I would make an appointment with your GP an ask for the referral.

Let us know how you go on.

28-01-12, 13:29
Cheers thanks for all your advice and help. Ill let you know.:)

28-01-12, 13:51
I had this same pressure / pulsating feeling around my forehead and nose for a long time before I was diagnosed with panic disorder. I even thought it could be sinusitis. But after controls, doctor told me I had no infection in my sinuses.
I am guessing this is one of the typical symptoms of panic. Because my ex (who was having extreme panic attacks) also had these before his attacks coming. So it's probably nothing serious.
Feel well soon

03-05-17, 16:30
I just went to my doctor like the biggest idiot over this thing. I was told it's most probably just because of general muscle tension in my face and my TMJ. Apparently there is no serious illness whose symptom would be "pressure in nose". Now I feel like an idiot but not much better, health anxiety really isn't fun