View Full Version : Panic disorder with agoraphobia

15-07-11, 17:29
I'm now 30 and have been suffering with panic disorder with agoraphobia for about 13yrs.

I initially had a major panic out of the blue at school and had no idea what it was... From then it took hold over about 3yrs and has been with me since. I am only to maintain function by having my car... I can't take a bus, train, boat, plane...

I've tried CBT but it hasn't worked due to my extremely strong avoidance behaviour I wont let myself into exposure situations!

I can't believe that there is any hope for me as nothing has worked!

Has anyone else got experience of this? Is there a recovery light at the end of the tunnel?

15-07-11, 17:46
I guess I'm wondering if it's fixable after so long...?

Relax - its all good
15-07-11, 21:42

I've been browsing this site for a few weeks now. I know this sounds harsh but when people are in your position, it makes me feel better. That's because I felt like you did for years (ages 29 - 33 at the height... 37 now) and now and again I have a bad moment (half an hour?) which makes for a bad day. Probably 1 day in 7.

I reduced my comfort zone to a few square meters. It sounds daft but I didn't feel safe even in my garden or upstairs in my house. I cancelled trips, weddings, holidays, all at the last minute. When I did work I would pay for taxis door to door and feel myself spinning out if I left the building for lunch.

I couldn't physically go on an adventure. My being craved it but my mind wouldn't allow it.

I couldn't fathom my place in the universe or see any point. Full stop. It was as if my best times were behind me.

You and me have another two thirds of our lives to live. I really enjoyed listening to this guy. What have you got to lose?


It's going to be alright.

15-07-11, 22:19
Thanks for your comments,,

Are you able to handle it now and go on holidays etc?

I don't care if I panic as long as I can handle it and not fear it happening so bad that I avoid everything...

Do people like me actully recover... I know the text books say yes but I find them hard hard to believe!

Martin Burridge
16-07-11, 21:49
CBT is hard but it is the most effective treatment. Some CBT Practioners are trained in hypnotherapy and vice versa. The advantage of this is that they can help you get your anxiety levels down before attempting a behavioural experiment or exposure therapy.

I also recommend you ask your therapist to come with you and help you face the situations you fear. Having a therapist show you how to deal with the anxiety when it happens is very effective.

If they will not do it then find another one. It is often said in the therapy world that one session in the field is worth 10 in the therapy room

Good luck.


16-07-11, 22:20
Thanks Martin, I've tried the inter vivo therapy and found it helpful... My big problem is avoidance... It's so strong I find I almost impossibly to get myself into a situation!

This is probably why I'm convinced I'll never recover :-(

17-07-11, 11:29
i am like you to avoid just about anything that makes me feel panicky at all wich makes our world smaller mine began at age of 12 i am now 55 bt dont think oh my god there was times over the years it lifted enough for me to have 6 children an marry but yr 2000 my dad died my husband had an affair so much happend that yr i cant come bk from it i began cbt this year and they have had to ask me to stop why i sought alot of family stuff going on as my stress level is so high and its hard to seperate my real aniety from my own aniety but me i believe i am so stuck inside my own head it wont work for me like you i ave decided this is it nothing left to do but carry onliveing with this awfull panic agraphobia i ave tried other therapys to over time but there was a time in 1995 i felt pretty good and all i was doin was getting myself in a routine and relaing ecersised slow breathing every morning and i begane to feel verey good low and behold another family upheavel changed it all and lost the feeling and never got it bk life can be cruel and throw a spanner in the works just wen u dont need it lol but aveing told you all this rember one thing i am still here so wats that tell you take care lv trish

17-07-11, 16:30
Doesn't sound like much to look forward to then!
If it was a broken arm it would be fixable, why not this?
While I find it hard to believe I will recover, I refuse to believe I won't...

Doesn't seem like there are any positive stories of people recovering...

So demotivating and depressing...

Eva May
18-07-11, 11:47
Have you tried reading the success stories page? Might make you feel a little better

26-07-11, 10:13
If you were to constantly tell yourself that you are unable to ever recover from agoraphobia...........then you won't.

Agoraphobia came into my life 4 years ago, i have moved away from my family and friends to live in my partners village and i took a turn for the worse.

No way was i ever going to allow Agoraphobia take over my life, i now work with the public, my job is stressful and i do get put under pressure, but no different to anyone else whether they suffer anx or not.

Each day, week i face different challenges, i am now able to walk home from work on my own, i get wobbly walking there on my own but i know if i keep on doing it each day, then at some point soon that also won't be a problem.

I remember being told to do exposure therapy, but i did it slowly and i did it everyday, i promise you by just taking baby steps it will leave you, the thought of exposure therapy terrified me, so you are not alone.

Be kind to yourself and instead of telling yourself you CAN'T do this and that, tell yourself you CAN.

If you look at my past posts on success forum you will see some of the things that i have faced over the last few years.

If i can do it, then so can anyone.

di xxx

16-08-11, 20:22
Thanks Di... Really glad of the encouragement!

17-08-11, 15:35
Hi 4noy. I suffered like you. I took part in CBT and was not congratulating myself on my successes. I just though of it as "Whew I got through that" instead of "Well done see you can do it" This meant that I could not build on my successess as I did not think of them as that. I was eventually prescribed anti depressants and for the last 15years have been pushing the boundaries farther and farther away. Just going through what they call a blip. Think it is because have had such a lot of stress in my life in the last 5 years and have not allowed myself to relax and deal with it. By bottling it up my body said enough is enough and blipped. CBT is good but you must do it slowly and build on your successes. If you could find someone to help you that would be great. A friend or collegue that would understand and help you take these steps. There is light at the end of the tunnel so don't give up.