View Full Version : chest /breathing

15-07-11, 19:05
hi guys
been to docs to day about this breathing and a tight feeling in my chest like i cant breath . he said he thinks its anxiety and my chest muscles are tighting up . but when it happens again call 999 .well that scared me abit calling a ambulance .i came away from docs feeling down .does any one elce feel down and scared when the doc gives you bad news . when they give me good news im on a high i also told him some times my arms go weak and i feel realy tired all of a sudden he said i was hiperventilating

16-07-11, 12:06
Yep I'm totally with you on this one, I. Going through the breathing issues thing constantly ferruling that there's not enough air in my body, taking mire and. Ire deep breaths feeling even worse almost then like I can't speck because I'm thinking and panicking about my breathing so bad. I'm sick to death of it , but telling you to call an ambulance well, I'd freak out even more I don't go anywhere so to be taken to a hospital at this present time for me would do me more harm than good!!!!

Maybe it's my anemia playing up as well , but the breathing thing is shocking!!!!!!

Sorry not much help BUT your not on your own.

My first post is in search on fear of fainting.

16-07-11, 12:09
Spelling , what that first bit should say
Feeling that there's not enough air in my body, taking ,ore and more deep breaths, feeling worse


16-07-11, 12:39
Hi Melvin,

There are some exercises you can do that help with the tight chest and breathing problems but it takes some time adn commitment. Most people with anxiety tend to breathe from the chest instead of the diaphram so you need to retrain yourself to breathe properly and become aware of when you aren't.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation can helps in loosenign the chest muscles and make you aware of when you are tightening up - theres lots about it on the internet and some examples on youtube.

The other thing that i do twice a day was recommended by feduptohere - lie down and breathe in for ten seconds through your nose, hold the breathe for ten seconds and then breathe out for ten seconds through the mouth three times - this relaxes the chest adn makes you breathe through the diaphram - if you place a hand on yoru stomach you will feel it moving up adn down :) it is difficult to start with but doesnt take long before it becomes easier

The other thing in an emergency when you are hyperventilating that you probably already do is the 3/6 breathing technique - breath in through your nose for three seconds adn out for six until you feel better this should rebalance the oxygen levels and help get rid of some of the side effects of hyperventilating like dizziness etc.

Hope that helps xx