View Full Version : health anxiety sufferer just joined!!!

english rose
15-07-11, 21:55
Hi everyone! ive finally joined you!! im 31 year old nurse and strange as it is ive been suffering from health based anxiety since beg june! i just cant seem to get on top of it. 1 step forward & 2 back...... i know that u guys will understand and look forward to getting to know you all :)

15-07-11, 21:57
Hi english rose

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-07-11, 16:53
know how your feeling hun im here if ya need to talk anytime lets crack this together x

16-07-11, 16:57
Welcome English Rose!

18-07-11, 07:41
Hi and Welcome
Just joined myself and a newbie to anxiety attacks, I know what you are going through Im exactly the same, you think thinks are improving one minute and then wham it gets you again. Still coming to terms with this myself. But I am a strong woman and I will beat this. Knowledge is a good thing it seems to help. L

paula lynne
18-07-11, 09:55
Welcome (ex-nurse here!), youre not alone with this, youll find lots of help and great advice here, glad you found us! :welcome: