View Full Version : Medicine or Therapy?

15-07-11, 22:54
I've just joined this week and put a post under Panic Attacks - 20 years of panic and the worst year.

I'm so disappointed that I have had one comment to my post. It actually takes courage to tell your own story on the internet.

However, I did put on it that after 18 years I asked for medication to help me with my travel phobia. I was prescribed Diazepam but I made a pack of 28 tablets last two years as very wary of taking anything! So not even sure if it worked or whether my head stopped me panicking on the trip itself.

I am booked to see a therapist via my doctor to see which type of therapy would suit me; I guess one of them will probably be CBT?

Please read my post from the other day, it's not far down the list. I'm getting really anxious about silly things and it's getting me down.

15-07-11, 22:56
Hi Nessy41

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-07-11, 17:07
Hi nessy

Dont feel bad because no one commented. Sometimes it's a help to someone just to read your post.
I personally don't visit the panic attack forum as it makes me feel worse!

Emily xx

18-07-11, 10:16
I guess we join No More Panic hoping that someone somewhere has posted a magical solution that will instantly cure us of panic, anxiety and phobias.

There's always someone that suffers more than yourself, and there's some posts on here that make you realise that your life is not as bad as you think, especially the ones who struggle to make it through the day, every day.

18-07-11, 13:19
That's so true yes!
Everyone is looking for the magic cure - sadly only you can find your own.

And yes there is always someone worse off, when you put things into perspective they never seem that bad.

Hope you're doing ok


18-07-11, 14:17

I too find the 'panic attack' forum a little scary look at the success stories some real inspiring stories, tips and more than anything hope. Im a newbie to all of this and I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel.....its a long tunnel but there is hope.

Good luck

18-07-11, 14:26
The success stories are brilliant to read because I think when you're first diagnosed you think you're going to be like this forever.

Gad you can see the light carefree!!! x