View Full Version : help please!!!!! just joined

english rose
15-07-11, 23:38
im 31 year old nurse and have been suffering from health anxiety since beg june. I will try to be brief here goes. In the shower one evening i thought i noticed a whole load of new moles on my arms, small normal looking ones but instead of listening to the knowledge i have that we can develop them up to 40 i googled and convinced myself i was dying from skin cancer. i suffered panic attacks over next few days and globus in my throat and despite reassuance from 3 drs i was in a state, they referred me to a derm for my peace of mind but i couldnt wait so paid privately TWICE and once on NHS and he said he had no concerns at all and basically to calm down but i was too far gone and was convinced id be leaving my 3 kids motherless. i was terrified. yeah i'd get the odd day where id feel that ok but have visited gp on average twice a week. in the past few weeks i developed a breast lump which was checked and all is well but thats made my anxiety worse!!! derm will see me again end sept but im constantly checking my skin and hate being outside for fear of sun damage!! today gp said she feels i need to see a psychiatric team and wants me to start meds, she told me to think about it. also she wants to test blood for thyroid imbalances!!!
sorry for the rant but thats my story folks and i just want to feel better as i know you all do, its just nice to know you all understand:

15-07-11, 23:58
Hey there. I completely know how you feel....especially the fear of leaving your kids. That's what plagues me too. My big obsession is my swollen lymph nodes right now, but I've been through a whole collection of other terminal illnesses in the past year. It's so debilitating. I'm sorry that you're dealing with it too. Hopefully, we'll both feel better soon.

16-07-11, 00:00
aw, I know these things are scary. I'm very into alternative medicine and after realizing just HOW many highly regarded treatments there are out there for nearly all conditions including cancer, nothing really feels quite as scary to me anymore!

There are many things in life that can happen to us, but the odds that they actually will are very low!

If it makes you feel better though, some natural remedies are anti-cancer (they are very widely believed across fields to inhibit tumor growth) so if it helps I can fill you in on those - maybe they'll give you peace of mind! ^^


paula lynne
16-07-11, 05:10
Welcome from an ex-nurse....this is agreat forum and were glad to have you with us! :welcome:

16-07-11, 07:15

I'm really sorry you have been feeling so bad. This is such a great place, instead of googling I come on here now and search for my problem within the forums, of course I do go to my Dr too for things that need to be looked at.

Hope you are ok.xxxxxxxx

16-07-11, 08:42
Welcome - this forum has really been a great source of help and support for me - I have very similar worries to you too and mine started as suddenly as yours did - although when I dig deeper into my memory I have always been an anxious person since I was a child.

I find that when I get a sudden health worry or any other big worry for that matter, my automatic reaction is that i need immediate reasurance and to make it go away.

However if I can actually sleep on it, try to forget about it for a little while, I seem to be able to put things into perspective and see the worry from a more rational point of view. This has really helped me and when I look back at those many worries they seem so stupid.

Anyway I still have a long way to go - I am trying mindfulness meditiation at the moment.

Take care, ps I also work in health care - I dont think that helps at all!!

english rose
16-07-11, 13:14
thank you all for being so lovely! its comforting to know other people are experiencing the same things! im sure this site is going to help me loads! hoppi if you let me know what the alternative meds you were talking about are that would b great! peace of mind would help loads x x

12-03-13, 12:06
Hi, i really feel for you, i developed health anxiety and i have been suffering with it for 9 years this year, it's terrible. I hope you find what your looking for on here, i have just introduced myself too.

12-03-13, 13:05
Hi I'm a mum of two and also have the same worries as you, I'm constantly checking myself and seem the good days are getting fewer and fewer. Health anxiety is awful Hun this is a great forum for peope to talk with others who really do understand x