View Full Version : scared of asbestos poisoning

little kyle
16-07-11, 02:42
as the title says im scared of asbestos poisoning :S

17-07-11, 20:41
Do you think you have this, or are at risk of getting it? I'm no expert but I think it's quite uncommmon.

17-07-11, 20:51
It is extremely rare, most houses contain asbestos, and it really isnt anything to worry about.

The people who mainly had problems with in the past were those who worked with if for years like plumbers and builders.

17-07-11, 22:25
I was brought up in shipbuilding town where the rate of asbestos disease was staggering and I know from experience that it takes up to 40 years for asbestos disease to develop and really only affected those working directly with it - like ship welders and boilermakers etc or construction workers.

I cannot imagine you are old enough to have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace and undamaged asbestos is perfectly safe if left alone.

18-07-11, 00:35
Why are you scared about it? Have you been in contact with it?

little kyle
22-07-11, 13:17
i have been in contact with it 3 times yes.... so im really scared

little kyle
22-07-11, 13:26
basically there was a hospital getting knocked down what had asbestos in and i was in there having a look round just for somthing to do after the 3rd time of being in there i noticed a sign ASBESTOS :'( im really s***ing it :( :'(

22-07-11, 13:34
It would have been made safe and removed. They don't just leave it lying around for people to touch.

little kyle
22-07-11, 13:37
im sorry for being so concerned....... its just when i seen asbestos on a sigh and then finding out what it was i crapped it.... ps when i find it slightly hard to breath or its like i feel im not breathing properly is tht just me panicking cuz its like everyday i feel like tht :(

and thank you for you information makes me feel a lot better

22-07-11, 14:02
You will be fine. They honestly can't just leave it lying around now and it has to be disposed of properly at a specific waste centre.

So you have not come into contact with it.

little kyle
22-07-11, 14:32
thanks for your help :D

13-11-11, 16:13
It is extremely rare, most houses contain asbestos, and it really isnt anything to worry about.

The people who mainly had problems with in the past were those who worked with if for years like plumbers and builders.

I went up in my loft today and I'm worried I've caught asbestos or it's latched onto my mobile phone I was using as a light..is it likely?

13-11-11, 16:50
No, it's extremely unlikely. From what I understand, asbestos is a hard material, kind of similar to concrete. It causes problems when working with it, for example smashing it up and breathing in the dust. Simply standing near it wouldn't do anything to you at all.

Do you know you have asbestos in your loft? If you don't, you almost certainly haven't got any exposed, you would definitely find that sort of thing out in a house-buyer's survey.

22-07-12, 14:59
I went back into my loft today and became worried about it again..seemingly all houses around the 20,s to 1970's all had some asbestos but can't be sure. Just see loft insulation up there but I was cleaning out some old junk and worried there could be some or maybe I breathed it in?

I assume it will be ok?

22-07-12, 16:24
No worries at all mate. Believe me, I have had a nightmare lately with being worried about asbestos as my thread will show. But the hype out there leads you to believe these small 'could be' exposures are worrying. i have spoken to countless people and without going to much into it, you don't need to even think about this for one second.