View Full Version : Should i go to the DR?

16-07-11, 09:19
Yesterday i had a headache all afternoon which was causing me to feel a bit off balance. So much so that i had to come home from work.

I woke this morning and still had the headache at about 5 am so took a decongestion tablet as these usually help. 20 mins later i started being sick, brought the tablets back up and cant seem to stop being sick now, everytime i try and have a little drink of water i start being sick again (bringing up all my stomach acid - sorry if TMI) - just can seem to keep anthing down, its starting to make my back and stomach hurt now...:weep:

Should i go to the DR's or am i just being anxious?

16-07-11, 10:29
Could this be a Migraine related headache do you think?

16-07-11, 10:42
Thanks for the reply....

Im not really sure, have had a couple of migraines over the years and they have always been very painful with spots in the eyes where i cant focus on anything. This headache is more like pressure all over and the feeling of someone trying to push me over all the time and a little hard to focus on the distance sometimes.

The sickness is still here - managed to keep a little water down but it feels like its just resting in my throat ready to come back up at any moment :(

Hate feeling ill - makes me irrational

16-07-11, 11:18
You could try nhs direct for advice , they are very good x

16-07-11, 12:24
I throw up everytime I get a bad headache. Have a chat with the pharmacist there are some good migraine meds out there with an anti sickness with them. Drink plenty of water even if you are feeling sick dehydration is a common cause of headches. Once you break the back of the headache the sickness should go away x

16-07-11, 12:29
Thankyou for the replies... do you think this sounds like a migraine? never really suffered with headaches and only every had two bad migraines that i mentioned so have always thought of a migraine as more to do with pain than making me feel sick....

Really appreciate the replies xx

16-07-11, 13:01
Migraines can certainly do funny things to you. When I've had them I don't actually get much of a headache, I get the visual auras and then feelings of nausea.

However if you are being constantly sick and cannot even keep water down, I do think you should either call NHS Direct as pb suggested, or your GP, for advice.

16-07-11, 14:55
Thank you all for the replies I really do appreciate it!!!!!

I suppose it could be a migraine. I dont so much get the auras you mention ingenious its more like my eyes are strained - like i've been on the computer or in front of the tv for too long (i havent!!) or when you go from somewhere very bright into somewhere dark and your eyes cant focus.

Feeling a bit better sickness wise. Its still there but i have managed a piece of toast and a banana and flat lemonade and water....

Thank you again all x