View Full Version : News to me!

16-07-11, 13:01
Hi Im new and never posted on any forum before so here goes.

Im 43 married with 2 beautiful children and have been told by many a doctor recently that I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks.

Still sinking in I think!::huh:

16-07-11, 13:07
Hi carefree68

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-07-11, 15:27
Hi carefree68 :welcome:to the forum, im glad you found us.

16-07-11, 17:02
Welcome to NMP

17-07-11, 23:57
Updating my initial post a little gaining a little confidence after reading other post. 6 months ago I was a 'carefree' Happy lady and then a month ago my world came crashing down, I have had a few stresses health wise in the last 6 months, but not serious a couple if incorrect diagnosis for symptoms I had.... I feel this may have triggered what is now anxiety attacks which have just taken over my life and can be so random. Im still having tests done cause Im struggling to be 100% convinced that this is what Im experiencing! I almost feel I need to rule everything else out. Im not a hypocondriac (excuse spelling) In the past when I felt poorly I would be realistic and just get on with it.....but these 'anxiety' symptoms are so real.. I hope this kind of explains better...I am pleased I have found this site and believe knowledge help and advice is deff a good thing, but everyone on here seems so much worse than I....just confused I guess.

paula lynne
18-07-11, 10:01
Welcome, youre not alone, nice to know you. Im 40, married, 2 kids, 1 gorgeous grand-daughter, and Ive had panic and agoraphobia for 11 years now. Thanks to this fantastic forum Ive come on leaps and bounds in a year, with no meds, and Im sure you will find lots of support too. :welcome:

18-07-11, 14:24
Thanks Paula,
we all want to get better right? but from reading other people's stories no quick fix. I want the old me back desperately.

18-07-11, 14:27
Hi Carefree,

Wanting the old you back is what will drive you to get better. See it as a good thing1


paula lynne
18-07-11, 14:31
No, no quick fix. Requires effort on your part, really understanding anxiety and accepting and believing it wont harm you. This takes practice and commitment from you. Hard when you are trapped in a vicious circle I know. One thing I do know, those of us with anxiety dont know how to be patient, why should we, its awful what we go through 24/7.....but Im afraid patience is something you will need. No magic wand. Just time. There is light at the end....little steps will get you there. Praise yourself when you achieve and dont beat yourself up on days when you cant.....Youre not alone. Keep posting. :hugs:

18-07-11, 14:58
Well said Paula.
That's exactly right x

18-07-11, 15:01
Thank you Thank you it helps to talk.:hugs:

20-07-11, 10:40

Have had a really bad taste in my mouth for about 10 days, metallic, bloddy taste.
I have been to the Dr yesterday and he said "have a slight white coating on tongue could be mouth thrush" and has given me drops.... but is this just another symptom of anxiety???

20-07-11, 10:42
I used to get the horrid taste. If you look at the symptoms link on the left hand side of the home page it's on there!!

No stressing xxx

21-07-11, 03:35
Hi. Haven't done my introduction yet but wanted to tell you that I also started having "anxiety attacks". Which was more than likely a misdiagnosis at the time. I will write my story up in a minute for my introduction and you are welcome to go read it. Being misdiagnosed for five years really did cause me to suffer with what I now believe is health anxiety. So you aren't alone. We want to trust our Doctors but when we don't get help each time we get physically ill our response is to go into the fight or flight mode of anxiety.

I wish you well and happy mental health! :hugs: