View Full Version : NHS Dentist - should I ask for non adrenaline injection??

16-07-11, 20:32
Hey there,

I have a badly needed dental appointment on Monday, and I've got to have some sort of big filling or maybe she'll even extract, I don't know -but either way I'll need the anaesthetic injection.
I've had enough treatments in the past, but I wasn't on citalopram then, nor was my anxiety as severe as it has been in recent times.
I read (on here also) that they have adrenaline in the injection these days to make it last longer or something, would this interfere with my anxiety or should I be okay? I'm wondering whether to ask to have the one without it (if they have such a thing)

Also, does anyone know if citalopram is okay with the injection they give?

Sorry for the length of this, any advice appreciated! Thanks :)

16-07-11, 20:43
if you have had the injection before and you were ok, I would just get the same again.
I always get a sedative from the doctor for going to the dentist, It stops me from shaking :)

Also tell your dentist all the medication you are on, they should be ok , just it's procedure to let them know.

16-07-11, 22:42
Hi Violet Wings.
I needed an extraction while I was on Citalopram and experiencing health anxiety. I had the standard injection and was fine. I was worried about the adrenalin too but the dentist said that it is such a small amount that it would not cause a panic attack. Hope it goes OK

16-07-11, 23:10
I have the non-adrenalin injection and yes you can ask for it

17-07-11, 11:26
I asked for it too, no problem at all, I was worried that the thought of adrenaline would start me off x

17-07-11, 13:14
I had 3 fillings a few weeks ago and was fine with the normal injection, apart from the fact I felt like an idiot trying to drink some water all was well :)

17-07-11, 19:47
Hi I asked for the non adrenaline injection and it was ok. My dentist says it is such a small amount. But one time I went and I had taken 2 diazepam and I fell asleep on the chair she told me afterwards that she had given me the adrenaline injection and I felt fine.

17-07-11, 23:24
Thank you everyone for your replies! I think I'll just explain my worry to the dentist and see what she says. Well here goes with the dentist trip tomorrow!! =|