View Full Version : stress n pins and needles

16-07-11, 21:39
hi im sally new to this site i was looking up pins and needles and see if it was to do with stress, i have agrophobia but do go out at the moment im pre menopause and seem anxious all the time face, hands and feet have pins and needles for last 2 ddays im also coming off steriods after6 weeks god i sound like a hypo but im worried which makes it worse:weep:

16-07-11, 21:44
Hi tinkerbell14

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-07-11, 21:47
Hi Sally,

I used to get pins and needles when I was anxious but it could be any of the things you mention.
Glad you found the site and welcome!

Emily xxx

16-07-11, 21:52
thank u emily
im just fed up with every time i feel ill people say oh its your nerves or thats just you etc.. it is prob nothing and i have a hugh lot of stress at the moment but it doesnt make u feel any better lol i will be fine once ive seen the gp if i can get an appointment lol he will prob want me to go for tests but i cant get there with my agrophobia so ill just get in a state again vicious circle ,,,, anyway life goes on as they say:)

16-07-11, 21:57
Doctors always put your mind at rest! You have to believe what he says though because i used to feel better for a few days after seeing them and then panic again thinking they have missed something ha!

I know what you mean when people say it's just nerves, especially when you believe it's the actual end of the world at that moment and something terrible is going to happen to you! You feel like punching them ( if you had the energy)

Good luck at the doctors . I found self help books a godsend in-between my docs appointments...that and cleaning!!


16-07-11, 21:58
Ps could you get someone to go to the doctors with you to help with the agoraphobia?


16-07-11, 22:02
thank u for your answer, i live a stone throw from gp so thats ok for me to get to its just while u feel like this u cant tell people who dont understand i should have gone to work tonight but got myself in such a state i had to call in sick same as tomorrow, but i really dont feel up to it. prehaps i have a virus lol thats what they normally say. i no ill live to be 100 years old cause one doctor said PEOPLE LIKE U LIVE ON YOUR NERVES AND LIVE FOR EVER :D cheeky git

16-07-11, 22:06
Oh I'm glad you don't have to go far then.
Dont worry about calling in sick at work, we all need a break sometimes.
I will keep fingers and toes crossed for you and message me when you get back to let me know how you got on.

Good luck xxx