View Full Version : Hi all.

16-07-11, 21:53
Recently i've been experiencing panic attacks and I am now suffering from anxiety, i'm 18 years old and you could say i've had a lot of stress put on me over the past few years but then again who hasn't? I was fine up until two weeks ago when I went out with some friends for some drinks and a night out and my drink ended up being spiked. I woke up the next morning feeling awful and convinced myself that I would feel better the next day, but I didnt. After a few days i still didnt feel my normal self and so these thoughts starting climbing their way into my head, and i was telling myself that something stronger was put in my drink and its still in my system, I began scaring myself with all these thoughts that eventually an extremely big panic attack came over me and I was so scared I didnt know how to cope. After i was calmed down i started feeling edgy and scared and I wasnt able to sit in one place for too long, thats when I went to the doctors and they told me im suffering with anxiety, they've put me on medication to calm me down and after finding this brilliant website I finally feel like I can help myself overcome being anxious everytime I leave my house. Sorry i ranted on, but thank you :)

16-07-11, 21:54
Hi Ciaran

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-07-11, 22:03
Hi ciaran,

What a horrible experience you've had, I'm not surprised you feel the way you do.
Anxiety affects all of us in different ways but you've taken the right step posting on the site. There are so many of us on here all with different issues and problems so don't ever feel alone.

Emily xxx

16-07-11, 22:09
Thank you so much! Yeah it relieves me to know i'm certainly not the only one affected by anxiety, some of us do get those thoughts that we are alone in this but we aren't. Thank you for making me feel welcome xxx

16-07-11, 22:15
I thought exactly that when I joined and completely hopeless but this site has been my rock. Always on here when I feel low!
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep fighting and never give up!
