View Full Version : Hello everyone

16-07-11, 22:31
I have joined this site after reading some of your posts. I have been on Citalopram for a year and am just starting to come off it. I am having a shocking time, every bit as bad as when I was first ill. so far I have reduced from 50mgs to 40mgs in 2 months and was feeling good. Then I dropped to 30mgs on Thursday and by Friday evening was a gibbering wreck. I chickened out and went back up to 40mgs today and felt drowsy and a bit spacey.

16-07-11, 22:33
Hi Mirabelle

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-07-11, 23:06
Hi mirabelle,
Welcome to the site!

You've been so brave coming off your tablets so don't be disheartened. You're doing it the right way.

Good luck!

Emily xxx

16-07-11, 23:08
Forgot to add...
There is a really good sticky in the citalopram forum for starting and stopping the drug.
It may help you x

16-07-11, 23:31
welcome to the forum hope you find the help you need