View Full Version : SVTs

30-04-06, 21:05
Well I'm sure some of you may be familiar with the fact that I get regular and severe ectopics and irregular heartbeats. Well a week ago I've been told that I'm actually having short bursts of SVT due to anxiety. They can last almost non-stop for an hour or I just get loads on and off throughout the day.

Well obviously that concerned me as these suckers are very different and far scarier than your average ectopic. So my dad's going to pay for me to see a cardiologist and wear an event monitor for a week, BUT only as a one off. After that, when I get the all clear (as my dad says I WILL) i have to let it lie.

Anyway, after I was reassured last week that they are almost certainly anxiety related, I got NONE for 5 days, but they started up again yesterday (had a bit of a traumatic time friday night). I'm VERY scared now even though my dad has told me he's come across this as a result of anxiety and they ARE harmless(My dad's an expert on anxiety disorders- it's his job). Anyone out there have any reassurance for me. I'm only 32 for Christ's sake and have 3 children and a wedding in July and I'm just petrified, not just of the SVTs but in case I have to take any scary meds or even have to have a surgical procedure.

Believe you me, I was SOOOO scared of the ectopics but these bu***rs are something else. Just a tiny bit of reassurance or a hug PLEEEAAAASE!

Shiv x

30-04-06, 21:11
((((((( Hugs))))))) Shiv,

I too am 32 and feel 92 some days lol. Think you have to keep focusing on this re-assurance you have received, I know how It feels and it is awful but accecpting that this is anxiety I think is the only way to control this (she says [:I])

I promise you are fine and if you had any thing other than anxiety they would have picked up on it, the fact you had 5 good days and then had return of these symptoms following stress also backs up that this is purely anxiety related

Take Care

Wendy x

30-04-06, 21:26
hi shiv

so so sorry to see this post and that you are having a hard time
i know what eptopics are cos i get them every day all day i am getting them now as i write this but what are svt?i do feel so sorry for you i realy do these funny heart beats are so scary i havent had any sleep and i am in such a state over them mine are much worse at that time of the month have you noticed this i have made a note of when they happen
i am sure you will be ok as your dad has told you
it is such a hard thing to think these are not harmfull but lots of people think this would make them go away
if you need to talk pm me any time i dont mind at all i know how you feel mate
jo x

30-04-06, 21:36
Well an SVT is Super ventricular tacchycardia which is where your heart just suddenly starts racing at approx 150-200 bpm sometimes more. Mine last 4 or 5 seconds then I'll get a normal beat or 2 then the same againa nd this can go on for a LONG time! It feels just horrible. Like the fluttering with ectopics but lasting longer. i get dizzy too but the really frustrating thing is I don't know if that's due to anxiety or a real side effect of the SVT because you can get dizzy or even faint from them!

I don't know, Jodie and Wendy, all I know is that I'm scared. I convince myself that they must be anxiety related because when I got that reassurance thay went for the 1st time in 2 months and also they never bother me when I'm asleep or drifting off

Anyway thanks guys

Shiv x

01-05-06, 14:52
Hi shiv
did they teach you carotid massage,this works very well for a lot of people with SVT and as it is non invasive you can carry it out yourself anywhere if necessary,did they discover it on 24 hour tape or from ecg?
It can be caused by anxiety but its really scarey when its happening to you,i used to see it a lot,we tend to try the massage first then if we cant control it with some i/v amiodarone in an acute situation we would sedate the patient and cardiovert them however drugs do work very well, but like you said i think its about treating the cause which is your anxiety/stress,iknow people who have had bursts of svt for years and years and are perfectly healthy otherwise they tend to view it a bit like epilepsy its something that happens to them every now and then sometimes months or years between episodes, jeez im trying to make you feel better,hope ive managed,im sure the cardiologst will put you mind at ease with no problem, and the surgical procedure is not so bad as it sounds. ok enuff as im rambling here.

I just want my life back

08-05-06, 09:51
Hi Shiv,
I haven't posted or been onto the site for ages, but people who know me on here know that I too suffer with the ectopics. I'm 39 now and have had them for four years. They absolutely terrify me too. I saw a cardiologist about three years ago, but after another recent bad attack i went back to the docs(saw a locum) and he referred me back to the hospital, for reassurance!!!! My first appointment is June and I'm just hoping they give me the all clear.

I had a few 'good' days and didn't seem to notice them but they've been back again lately, nearly every day. The fear of them makes the anxiety worse. I don't think I've been extra 'stressed' or anything so why do they come back?
Got to go work but will try to post again later.

Take care,
Love, Linda.xxx

04-06-06, 21:38
Hello everyone, just logged on to this site today, so i'm just getting used to how things work! Firstly a bit about me. I had a small operation 18 months ago, using a local anaesethic and my BP dropped and i went 'funny', this in turn sent me into a full blown panic attack and since then i'm a different person. I can't do the things that i used to do, go places, don't want to work anymore or even leave the house most times. I was tried on Seroxat which they increased because i started feeling 'out of it' and then i didn't know who i was or where i was so it was stopped. My GP wasn't helping so i asked to be referred to a psychiatrist who has put me on Citalopram 10mg, which is doing nothing. I still have occasional panic attacks, i'm still 'unreal', which really scares me, i feel sad, hopeless, no energy, not knowing why we all bother to carry on - what is it all for, dizzyness all the time, although i have just found out that i have an angle problem with my neck which could cause a lot of this, i have tinitus and balance problems also and the most scary thing for me in this 'supposed' life at the moment is being too frightened to go anywhere and do anything because of my ectopics - missed heart beats - they terrify me. ECG's are ok, am waiting for 24 hour one with the cardiologist but have to wait months. Just feel like i've got something really nasty, probably in my brain. Well, i'm so sorry to go on and on, but with me being new i thought i'd give you the low down. Thankyou for putting up with reading all this LONG LONG explaination. Cheers again.

05-06-06, 20:55
Welcome to the NMP gang angiebaby, I really hope you can find some comfort and reassurance from this site. We're all a great bunch of people (well I think so anyway) and someone will always be able to help or offer advice. You write when you want about what you want if it helps!

06-06-06, 18:00

So sorry to hear about your svt's. I'm so glad your dad is an expert is this field, lucky you. I get a racing heart alot but have never timed the beats, maybe I should, never thought about it. I hope you feel better soon, but if the test came out okay I think it could have been from that bad Friday night episode and plain old anxiety. Hope you are better soon.


Welcome to the forum, you will make nice friends here and get loads of help.
