View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram

17-07-11, 10:03
When will you know it's the right time to come off of Citalopram or any anti-depressants. I have been on 10mg of Citalopram for approx 2-3 months now feel okay most of the time but still get the old day or two when my mood is very low. Is this normal to feel very low out of no where for no reason on the odd day here and there?

17-07-11, 11:04
Hi, it's possible to have such days, not often but it happens. 10mg is a little dose and you have taken the pill for a short time (2-3 months). Better consult your Dr. but citalopram should be taken at least 6 months, it is wrong to stop it when you feel better. It has to be taken for much longer time as it can prevent future periods of depression and other mental disorders. It won't harm you in any way if you take it for a longer period, many people take it for an year or so, i myself am taking it for almost 2 years now... So don't worry, just continue taking it and consult a Dr.

17-07-11, 11:18
you need at least 3 - 6 months of taking the tablet after you start to feel better.

17-07-11, 18:51
Thank you for your responses as i really don't want to come off the cit before it's the right time to but on the otherhand don't want to be taking it any longer than necessary. I have heard some people say and would really like to know from anyone who has come off of citalopram if it is true or not that you will get the same depression/sadness feelings that you had before you even starting taking anti depressants medication when you come off but these feelings will be even stronger...i really hope this is not true.

17-07-11, 19:17
I dont think you will get any worse if you come of them at the right time. If you come off to early then its possible. My Dr explained that after you get better you need to keep going for 3 - 6 months to help top up your system.

17-07-11, 19:32
Thanks Powerone that's very reassuring. I've been on them a few months now and was deff feeling better than i was before taking the tablets and feeling okay most of the time but felt very low on Friday and a little better on Saturday. I am only on 10mg of Citalopram and don't really want to go up to 20mg if it's not necessary.

17-07-11, 20:20
You will not take it longer than necessary, as powerone said- you have to take it for several months after you've felt better, that's what the leaflet says too. Your Dr. knows best... As for the coming off- it's not true you will get the depression once you stop taking the medicine, it depends on the person and the type of disorder. Some people are completely cured, others may be hit by depression in some time in the future (say 10-20 or more years) or the worst case- it may be a recurrent condition (as in my case for example). But it has nothing to do with the medicine. I personally have taken citalopram 4 times for about 8 years, the longest period not taking it (and feeling well) was 3 years. Hope you recover completely after stopping it!