View Full Version : Hi i'm tabithatabbycat

17-07-11, 10:12
I was on valium and other antidepressants for many years, my problems started when i was 14 and started my periods, my problem was actually hormone related severe PMT but in the late 1970's few doctors understood much about PMT or how some people like myself could be suicidal every month because of it. Because of this i found the antidepressants gave me more problems than they solved, i had 2 suicide attempts and was put in the phyciatric hospital but it was years before a doctor finally figured out what my problem really was, apparantly only 5% of women have PMT as severe as i had, even now if i tell a doctor that i suffer from PMT they still see it as pain, bloating and a bit down not the real extent of my misery at all. So any woman who suffers from depression please check it is not at the same time every month, a week before your period, my periods were usually 6 weeks apart not the normal 4 so it was more difficult to figure out especially when you don't know what your looking for. I was in my 40's before i was given the right treatment progesterone suppositories to take 7 days a week before period every month and they made such a difference to me, i'm sure women are still put on antidepressants cause not enough is understood by doctors about this even now.

17-07-11, 10:13
Hi tabithatabbycat

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-07-11, 21:17
welcome to the forum we are here to help if we can :)