View Full Version : Hi everyone, just joined here!

17-07-11, 11:22
Hi everyone, i've just joined this forum in the hope it can help me with the anxiety/panic attack-type things ive been suffering with.... My anxiety/panic always affects my stomach (i have a phobia of vomiting/feeling sick, so this just makes me 10 times worse) and i get convinced im too ill to do anything or go out. Ive started to avoid any social situations and anything where i feel i might be 'trapped' and unable to get away from. To feel better I find if i lie down quietly by myself for an hour or so the symptoms nearly always improve and then i feel ok. Would love to hear from others who have the same sort of symptoms i do.... and any advice on how to deal with it would be great! Thanks for reading. :)

17-07-11, 11:24
Hi suzzyk

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-07-11, 16:41
Hi suzzyk

:welcome:to NMP!!

Hope you enjoy your stay here and get the help you need and make friends along the way.


17-07-11, 21:19
mmm i have a problem with feeling sick when i have anxiety i hate it but im sure we can help each other out on ways of dealing with it

18-07-11, 08:14
Hi! Well its good to know im not the only one! And yep, i reckon there's some help to be found on here..... nice to talk to people who have the same issues! :)

18-07-11, 08:56
welcome along :)

paula lynne
18-07-11, 09:53
Welcome to the forum, glad you found us. Take some time to read the tips in the left hand column under panic and anxiety, really great advice! :welcome:

19-07-11, 00:54
:welcome: hope you find some advice, Im new here too, this week in fact and found it too be very helpful. Good luck!

19-07-11, 01:25
Welcome to NMP, I hope you find some help on here and maybe make some friends along the way x