View Full Version : pyelonephritis- please help really scared!

17-07-11, 14:16
Just bin discharged from hospital with pyelonephritis or kidney n uti infection, I'm absolutly scared stiff of it, feel ill and sick. They have given me aggressive antibiotics yesterday via a canula which I also had a drip to keep me hydrated, the pains are low right in my abdomen and near my right kieney, and in my low right back, doc at hospital was happy to send me home, my bloods were fine and my urine showed +++protein, my temp and blood pressure was fine, he had a gud feel of my tummy aswell, I just hope he hasn't missed anything, the nurses said he wudnt send me home if there was sumthing worse going on, I'm panicking like mad thinking all sorts of bad things! Can anyone relate or kno about this? Xx

17-07-11, 14:32
aw hun just chill you will be ok you are putting panic on top of panic if something was wrong they would have picked up on it just relax grab a cuppa watch tv or a dvd to take your mind off it i have had anxiety for years even now i am at it coz i got indigestion but am sure i have something wrong with my heart which of course i haven't its all in my head you been diagnosed and its being treated don't make yourself worse by worrying about believe me you will feel better in a few days and wonder what all the worrying was about x:D