View Full Version : Smothering/Heaviness Chest

17-07-11, 15:03
Hi guys,

About 3 weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with what felt like a smothering sensation/heavy chest/lungs collapsed feeling like i couldn't breathe. It came on randomly and I had not been having a bad dream that I know of. I went to A&E where I spent 10 hours, they checked my oxygen levels and blood oxygen levels - both fine, also did an ECG, blood pressure, and general bloods for iron, full blood count - all fine. It went away completely after a few days but last night the same thing happened - again when I awoke from sleep. I'm concerned about sleep apnea but surely it wouldn't last all day if it was this. It's so horrible, it makes me dizzy, bad vision and my depersonalization worse. I'm going to see my GP tomorrow about it - i'm also worried about a petechial rash all over my arms/chest (its been there for years but it seems to be getting worse). :(

Extremely Worried :weep:

Any words of comfort appreciated.

PS - Exercise also seems to make it worse.

17-07-11, 15:10
Hi Lele
I think that anything that goes away on it's own and cannot be found to have a cause by the medics is anxiety. It creeps up on us as we know. It changes it's tactics to keep us guessing too. I find that a Manta helps to block the thoughts that follow these episodes and also make them worse. It doesn't matter if you believe it just say it, it gives you something to focus on.
Hope you feel better soon

17-07-11, 15:12
Hey, I get this too... Occasionly... When I wake up with the feeling of a heavy weight on my chest and I gasp for air. I just put it down to one of the many horrible sensations of anxiety. Scary though. I often feel like I'm breathless and find it hard to accept that nothing sinister is going on. With regards to the rash, ive got that too... If I look hard enough I probably have hundreds of those little red dots. I used to get hung up about it a few years ago but it hasn't killed me yet ;-) just something else for the mind to fixate on I guess! xx

17-07-11, 15:22
Thanks guys, its reassuring to know i'm not alone. I'm paranoid I need a chest x-ray etc. Any more out there with the same symptoms?

17-07-11, 15:45
no you are not alone chick anxiety is a nasty thing to have and effects us both psychologically and physically i have chest tightness spaced out dizziness headaches can't breath the list goes on but every symptom gets you worrying until you drive yourself mad and at the end of the day its anxiety

17-07-11, 20:57
anyone else? :(

23-07-11, 20:19
please help :( its drivin me insane :(

07-08-11, 13:15
i have had this a few times now the past few days, never had it before! i guess it came as my anxiety flared up again outta nowhere :( it does go away if u dont dwell and ponder on it, wen u distract ureself it goes away, i find myself occasionally having to take deep breaths in order to feel im breathing right :/ its not nice but im sure its just anxiety. obviously i do think its something sinister now and again but thats always the way with anxiety its vicious. hope u feel betr soon :)