View Full Version : Please someone help me

17-07-11, 15:15
Hi everyone.. Im scared :( please dont read my thread and move straight on to another without typing a message, i just really need someone to talk too, things are getting worse for me.. My head feels strange.. since i woke up, it feels like i'm not even here, and dizzy and empty of thoughts.. im all starey, i look at things and stare i feel like i'm not even here.. in this planet.. its really scarey.. For the last couple of days this has started.. only when i wake up and then lasts a while and i wake up with really strange breathing patten, i feel so strange, my whole body feels wierd and ive got this scared feeling in my chest and stomach.. i'm scared theres something wrong with my brain and something awful will happen, i feel so tired all the time.. for the past 5 days every time i go to settle down my head is so dizzy and my body keeps forgetting to breathe over and over and i wake up gasping and my heart pounding.. i can't take this anymore.. i dont feel like this is just anxiety anymore its something more serious.. help me.. please!!! :(:(:(:(

17-07-11, 15:22
Well it all sounds typical of anxiety to me coupled with depersonalisation and derealisation and the dizziness could be that you are not breathing properly.

I don't think it is anything serious though.

17-07-11, 15:24
Awe honey I really feel for you. Anxiety will make you feel so unwell on times. I've been right where you are, convinced that something was terribly wrong with me and my brain. My head felt like it wasnt mine. Life was just a blur. Anxiety loves it when you lay down because it knows you've only got it to concentrate on, feeding it. When I lay down or turn my head a certain way I can get very dizzy but I've slowly learnt that my muscle in my neck and head are so tense they can cause these terrible sensations. It may feel like the scariest place ever right now but it won't last, I promise you that. Hang on in there xx

17-07-11, 15:29
hey hun i feel the same way today well actually felt bad for a few weeks i keep remembering the times i was normal and i know i will be the same again its just a matter of when only went to the farm earlier and now i am on couch a nervous bloody wreak so i know how you feel today x

17-07-11, 15:36
I had a period like this a while ago. It's really horrible but the more you worry about it, the worse you feel. I know it's so much easier to say but try relaxing - I bought a relaxation CD and dedicated about half an hour each day to it and afterward I felt so much better.

I hope this gets better soon :)

17-07-11, 15:51
Hi there what you are experiencing is classic symtoms of overbreathing or holding your breath or breathing to slow .I know this as i have had all these symptoms and i was finally diagnosed with hyperventilation syndrome .Your symptoms are all caused by the change in your blood gases .This is not dangerous at all and it can not harm you but it gives you horrid symptoms.I totally sympathise with you as i have had this for a long time .The best way to deal with it is to ask your doc to refer you to a respiratory physiotherapist,this is who i see and it is slowly helping although i have had a bad attack of ectopics today.I promise you nothing bad will happen to you but i know how bad these feelings are.Please try and beleive what im saying as i have had this for 20 years now im 36 now.You can beat this ,once you sort out your breathing pattern.kind regards molly xx

17-07-11, 17:19
Hi Molly, that makes a lot of sense! It feels as though I have actually forgotten how to breathe :( It does cause all the weird spacey feelings you mention, and it's really scary at times... I feel like natural breathing is something I'll never do again :( Good luck to you Anxiousmess, you will learn to adjust to things in time... when your brain realizes that these things won't kill you :) It can take a while though...

17-07-11, 18:11
This is EXACTLY how i get. I'm also constantly tired and i feel like i'm not there, its scary. i feel trapped in my head at times. I think, and pray, that it's just anxiety. Which i'm pretty sure it is. because when i feel well, i don't feel like that. so try to relax, get outside and try to just have a good time. that's what helps me. i'm an extreme hypochondriac and i'm only 18 years old! i hope you feel better

17-07-11, 19:03
i hope u all feel better soon too.. i hate this feeling of not being able to breathe sooooo much

17-07-11, 19:22
i can 100% relate to this, and doctors i have seen and councellor all put it down to anxiety. I know its really awful and hard to believe that anxiety can cause such feelings and physically aswell but its true. I am always struggling to breathe and feel like i cant get enough air. Trying to get to sleep is hard work but when i do i very often wake up breathless and sweaty and just really bad palpatations which cause me to panic and i just dont feel my self.
When you dont feel yourself its like its not you and for example when i have been in a bad state of mind and felt so dizzy and that everything is spinning and iv been say getting into a car.. i just want it to stop and i dont know whether to run or whatever and scream franticly for help or thoughts of standing in the road and getting hurt to divert it crosses my mind... but then when i have settled down i cant believe what thoughts had come over me, and its just not me to think like that in general.

from what you say though it does sound like you obviously have stuff on your mind so why not try going to your gp and just tell them exactly how your feeling and see if you can just talk to someone and maybe get some relaxation tips.. just to ease your mind and take the stress of it.

If you ever want to talk feel free to message me :) x

18-07-11, 06:29
i also feel like i can't get enough air. i'm constantly yawning, taking deep breaths, and its hard to get that satisfying deep breath that i've been wanting. but i notice that when i don't think about the breathing, i don't get that craving for a deep breath. i just try to keep busy and forget about it. because once i pay attention to my breathing, theres no stopping it. its terrible. we all need a miracle cure..