View Full Version : ectopics

17-07-11, 15:35
Hi there i have had a bad day with ectopics havent had them this bad in a while as i really had became less scared of them so they seemed to diminish to maybe just a couple a day.I was visiting the transport museum with my kids today and i was a bit anxious before it as i am always when i go anywhere but nothing extreme.I was fine in the museum and felt i did well getting round it with no panic.Well when i sat back in the car my heart started to flip out one ectopic after anothere then runs of them .Well i freaked and it got worse .My partner was driving and we were on the motorway and i just kept thinking im going to die as they kept coming i was in a real state.I know my fear of them kept them going but why did they hit so bad in the first place when i was fine.Then when i got home they happened a few more times ,they have settled a bit but now im terrified they will be back to make my life a misery like they have done in the past.When i was getting them i was also getting like a moment where my head felt like the blood pressure had dropped for a second.I usually try and say you still here theres nothing wrong but i keep thinking why out the blue like this maybe i have something wrong this time .I hate palpatations they have ruined my life for so long i thought i had finally stopped being so bloody scared .kind regards molly xx

17-07-11, 15:41
Hi Molly,

I have experience palps/ectopics for years. They come in clusters as well. Even after not experiencing them for a month or more they can surprise me at the most random of times. I also have runs of palpitations. I have seen a cardiologist and had ECG's and an Echo. Everything was clear, anxiety for sure.

17-07-11, 15:56
They are so scarey i really wish i hadnt let them scare me in to rushing home as i was enjoying the day out but tey just kept coming .kind regards molly xx

17-07-11, 16:01
defo anxiety that's what i get out of the blue feels like my blood pressure drops and i am going to pass out feel totally disoriented and confused am at doctors tomorrow want my blood pressure checked and my sugar levels once home i feel a lot calmer x

17-07-11, 16:05
The feeling of blood pressure dropping happens as the ectopics happen its not nice ,it seems to happen with the more forcefull ones.thanks for replying kind regards molly xx