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View Full Version : Fed up

17-07-11, 16:10
I know every time i start a thread (although i rarely do any) its always to do with my breathing and im sorry if its getting tedious and annoying for some people to read, its just its what my problem genuinlly is.

Anyway.. i am really fed up, im actually losing every little last fight in me and getting to the point where i cant hack it.
I cant see how anxiety can cause me to have breathing problems all day every day, i cant point out any time or any point of the day where i can breathe fine.
I am always and i mean always feeling short of breathe, doing my house work, or changing bedding or playing with the kids or reading them bedtime stories is reallllly hard work for me, i cant breathe properly and both sides of my neck really hurt and pulsate when i do such tasks, and then im always having to cough, have like an annoying wheezy cough.
Im sick of it because its made me scared to go out of the house and its not good with having 3 kids.. i feel like a failure.

I have been to the doctors soooo many times and i have had no tests done to rule out asthma or anything, and i dont smoke or drink and never have smoked etc or been i smokey environments, so i dont know whats wrong with me. Im lost what i can do, i will be back at the doctors tommorrow but she just says maybe councelling would help, like start seeing someone again, but to be hones t its not taking away my breathing problem

Does anyone else find it hard to breathe alll the time? and i mean could i ever be in a situation where i cant catch my breath and die, or i just stop breathing, or how long would i have before i died, i get horrible visions of going somewhere like takin my son to nursery and just not breathing and lying on the floor gasping for air and suffering slowly whilst hearing backround voices etc, i am so scared. :(

17-07-11, 16:14
hi sarah i feel for you i had this so bad last night all night i actually thought my heart was going to stop,if you have had all the tests then it is anxiety but it doesnt make it any easier its horrible hope you feel better soon

17-07-11, 16:17
I now just how you're feeling. Feeling like I can't breathe is the number one symptom for me. I have recently started taking propranolol and it has helped quite a bit. I cycle a lot and getting out of breath naturally alos helps as it shows you that its nothing to be scared of. I am also trying out relaxation tapes but its hard as I am very impatient and want results now. Have you been to your GP? Its worth a visit to to get a check up. I do hope I've helped a bit and I hope you feel better soon :)