View Full Version : Is this safe for me?

17-07-11, 19:13
Im taking diazepam 2mg twice a day for about a week for my anxiety and im just a little worried about what this might do to me? I wont become dependant will i? I know i sound silly, im just worried! Could someone explain? Thankyou xx

17-07-11, 20:37
Hi Ciaran
Diazepam 2 mg is a very low dose..even twice a day. There are 5mg and 10mg tablets so you really are on the lowest. They should not make you dependant at this
dosage and when you feel a bit better I have no doubt that your GP will advise you how to discontinue them. I was on 5mg three times a day for a long time but came off them gradually and have not had them since. Good luck.

17-07-11, 21:23
Thank you, thats made me feel alot better!

17-07-11, 21:38
I agree! 2mg is a low dose and you'll be fine! You wont become dependant and the doctor will make sure you reduce it first so you will be OK!

17-07-11, 21:43
Thank you! I know it sounds silly, I guess I just needed to be reassured :) but thank you.