View Full Version : Bowel Movements Yuk

17-07-11, 19:16
Hi guys

just wondering if any one could at all help me since last sunday 7 days now i have had diarrea i dont have any stomach pains only when i need to go ! i am currently on sertaline 50mg does anyone now if this could be a side affect of my medz or am i dying :/ iv done so well with my anxiety latley managed to get through a whole interview and get the job now i feel so stressed that i have some think wrong with me HELP :hugs:X

17-07-11, 19:24
Hi how long have you been on sertaline? because if its just recent then obviously it takes a little bit of time for tablets to kick in, and if you never had this before you started taking them and then now all of a sudden you do.. then i reckon it is just a side affect of your tablets. If it gets too much for you then just get advice from your doctor and you might be able to take something along side it to ease it. Or... you could just of got a bug? But usually you would get stomach cramps. x

17-07-11, 19:28
been on them now for around 10 weeks, my tablets have just started to kick in now i have this i have been to the doctors and he thought i had gastric but i have no other syptoms other that diarrea :( thanks hun hopefully it is just yet another side affect x

18-07-11, 02:50
Hi Lourah

I had terrible diahrroea for the first four weeks of taking Sertraline, it cleared up after that. I wondered if I had picked up a bug at first, but it all began at exactly the same time as going on the meds and I realised that within a few hours of taking a tablet the problems would always start. Hope it all eases off for you soon.
