View Full Version : I'm going to die of cancer!

17-07-11, 19:47
I seriously think that my anxiety is catching up to me, and my body can't deal with so much anxiety i have, that Im going to die of Leukaemia!

Seriously I am, everything, and everyone wants me dead!

I keep getting bruises on my calves, which takes an age to go away. I have had random red spots on my legs in the past, now I have a few more which might be insect bite but who knows.. my muscles are out of control (they keep pulsating)! have done for a while , and i've lost weight!

SEriously SHOULD I BE WORRIED or what?

Am i going to die?

17-07-11, 20:18
Hi there,

I am only 16 years old, but i know what you are going through. I suffer from severe health anxiety, and i am convinced ive got a number of illnesses. It sounds like you have alot of worries, do you see a therapist at all? I am seeing one at the moment and am finding it a good way of getting all of my feelings and worries out. I know this isnt much what im writing, but i just wanted to help reassure you. you will get through this! Good luck xx

17-07-11, 20:23
please don't worry you don't have cancer its anxiety and stress and can make you really ill also it can be made worse when its your period which is pmdd which is not life threatening just your hormones having a mad one look up anxiety symptoms and you will see what it can actually do to you both mentally and physically so no you don't have cancer just anxiety xxxxxxx

17-07-11, 22:02
you would actually be so ill you can't get off the couch if you had Leukemia, I'm talking really ill here not just the odd bruise.
you are healthy, so enjoy it : )

18-07-11, 11:43
Hopefully it is only stress and anxiety. thank you,

18-07-11, 20:30

i know how you feel with regards to cancer scares.

My dad died of lukeamia and i will say he was very ill, he didnt just have the odd bruise that went, his never went. He had a rash on his leg that was there for 3months it just didnt go, he would fall asleep all the time, he kept getting nose bleeds that were that bad he would end up in a&e, then the one day a bruise appeared on his shin and it was that bad my mum made him go to his gp, the gp took one look at it n sent him for blood tests, he died 2weeks later.

So speaking from experience, you would feel very ill - or atleast in my dads case he did..

sorry if ive made things worse, just i know how scary it can be suffering from HA as i think i have lymphoma.. and im trying to beat it.. so if i can help someone then i will try, so i do aplogize hun if i worry u even more i dont mean too..
