View Full Version : chest pain due to anxiety

30-04-06, 23:49
April 30th 2006

Hi I am Johanna, and am 43 years old I have had chest pains for many many years and breathing problems.. it took me and a team of doctors a long time to figure out what was the matter with me and what was the cause of my symtoms.. In fact 14 years have passed me by and a lot of check ups and 2 stays in hospital.. many scans of all organs of my body until I finally was able to accept the verdict of the doctors that my problems do not result from a physical illness but are all part to quite severe anxiety which happens to manifest itself with me in a physical form.. I had my main fear with breathing difficulties and chest pain.. I then read a book by Charles Linden and I did yoga and swimming which helped me and I worked with people who were fellow sufferes.. the problem has not disappered but I am now able to accept it and I might be able to help others on this site who suffer and would also like some input from you out there to help me comprehend more fellow sufferers who went though similar experience as i did for over one decade.

Thanks and a response would be appreciated and if I can help anyone.. I was a careworker, please ask me...



01-05-06, 02:09
Hi and welcome

You sound like a very good person an I'm sure you'll find lots of help here.

Shiv x

01-05-06, 08:23
Welcome to the site Johanna
Love Helen

01-05-06, 10:13
Johanna(lovley name)
Hiya there love, i know how you feel and you must be so fed up weak and tired of it all.. it wears you down and you just constantly live in fear dont you,, wow how i have been there .
Since i was 16 years of age ive had anxiety/panic and depression and i am 35 now, its been with me for a lifetime, and me too i have felt soul distroyed by it.. to the point of feeling suicide.. a horrid low down feeling.
I will tell you something and its the truth, until you except that what you have is anxiety it will plague you for the rest of your life too, thats how it works it may calm down for a while ..but sooner or later it will creep up behind you and tap you on the back.. except that it cant harm you and you will be half way there.. i tell you this with my heart love.
The doctors have done all the tests that they possibly can darling.. and i know its hard to say well they have done all these tests so i must be ok.. coz us sufferers dont think like that do we...but the truth of the matter is.. there really isnt anything wrong with you.
Excepting is the hardest thing to do .. i hope you can do this,, i would be so happy for you.

ashley xxx :D

01-05-06, 10:49
Hi Johanna,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

01-05-06, 17:06
johanna would love your help and support and i will try to return the favour. you sound so like me and many otheres, turned inside out and still being turned. never able to really accept that it is anxiety and afraid that it will cause something

would love to know how you got better. would you reccomend the linden method

take care


02-05-06, 10:55
Hi Johanna

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

03-05-06, 11:59
May 3rd 2006

Hi folks to all of you who have given their input and thoughts to anxiety and panic attacks and chest pain related breathing difficulties in particular..
What I believe and I have been suffering for 14 years now ... there is a cure waiting.. we can cure the human body from illness if we know what's wrong with it and anxiety in my opinion is just an imbalance in the brain cells sending out pain to the nerve cells in the body and that makes us afraid we are having a serious disease... so once you get checked out by more than one doctor.. and no disease is found then believe it but go to two doctors first.. then when you realize what you got is anxiety which took me 10 years to accept.. before I believe i was not dying from some horrible heart or lung disease, then join a forum, join fellow sufferers and do something that does not let anxiety rule your life... let your life always rule anxiety..dance and sing, read , go for a walk, try to distract your thoughts from the pain .. i have to do the same and might help I want to thank all of you and I joined here just a few days ago.. I would be glad to make friends with a lot of people because I am just one of all of you with the same problem only that I also worked in this business looking after people with depression and anxiety... treat yourself to some little enjoyable things every day.. and maybe the pain will stay away if only for some hours.. it's a victory and all great conquest start somewhere so altogether now.. let's not just let this devil anxiety win and take our happiness and our lives away from us.... thanks all of you for the nice welcome... Have a good rest of the week.... your friend Johannaxxx[}:)]

03-05-06, 15:23
Hi Johanna

Welcome to the forum.

I am sure your offer of help and support to others will be much appreciated and we are here if we can privide any support for you.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

Elly 2
05-10-07, 09:27
Hi Johanna and welcome.
I too am plagued with chest pain which is being investigated but as yet not diagnosed except to say it isn't heart related. I had an endoscopy last Monday and am awaiting the results of some biopsys that were taken. I haven't been told by a doctor that I am having panic attacks but I strongly suspect that that is what it is. What I don't understand though is that I get the pain first and then start to panic, where if it was a panic attack would it not be the other way around. I have got to the stage now where I just don't go out anymore, the thought of it sends me into a real state.

05-10-07, 19:37
Please note that Johanna is an old member from 2006 and no longer active on here.

06-10-07, 00:50
Hello Johanna And Welcome.......linda