View Full Version : citalopram and upping my dose

17-07-11, 21:19
Hi need help I have been on cit for 3 weeks 5 days the first week doctor put me on 20 mg i wasnt good she then put me on and extra 10mg so now i am on 30. I am having panics and still got my blood pressure phobia. I was feeling good last week but the last 2 days have been awfull I had wine 3 glasses on friday night, would it have been that? I also did a stupid thing and came off them cold turkey last easter and at that time i was 40mg I was great on that dose after all the horrid side affects had gone and as i felt good in myself I stupidly came off them. So that's why I am back on them again. My question is do you think I could go back on my 40mg tomorrow like i was on before as i have still got 2 packs of 40mg from last time. The doctor did want to give me an extra 20 mg to make it upto the 40mg, but i said no just give me the extra 10mg to make it up to 30mg. I have now been on 30mg for 2 weeks 5 days. Is it too soon to up them? I am also suffering terrible sickness and bawking but i had that when i first started taking them last easter and it left me after a while. I need some advice please. I think I need an antacid for the sickness to.

Cathy crumble xx

17-07-11, 21:30
god i no how you feel i have upped mine to 40mg a few days back and i have been extremely tired since also feeling dead sickly with this horrible knot feeling in my belly... is this how you felt last time you was on them?? i was on them a few years back and remember they made me feel awful before they started working i just thought that upping them i wouldn't get any more side effects?? so all i have done the past two days is sleep all day and just feel shakey/ anxious and sickly .....
but if you want to up yours then i think its up to you and how you feel in yourself x

17-07-11, 22:05
High honeypie

Thanks for your reply. Yes I did have terrible nausea and i also when cleaning my teeth had blood which freaked me out that happend about twice so i went to gp and she gave me an anatcid which was great. As i had terrible tummy sickness and headach... just awful and now I have it all again. this morning i was cleaning my teeth and when rinsing my mouth I had blood I feel the citalipram may take the lining off my stomach but that may not happen to others I had gastritis years ago so could be just a bit sensitive to the tablets. I to feel shakey and as if somthing horrible is about to happen cant put my finger on it and also the chatterbox is still there in my head with those horrible negative thoughts lol. However I have got to say when i originally took them last easter after a long battle with the side effects i felt loads better. I just want to get back to that again but it's early days yet for me only been on them nearly 4 weeks so just wait and see but i was fine on 40 last time. Think its going to be another visit to my gp.

Cathy xx

17-07-11, 23:45
High honeypie

Thanks for your reply. Yes I did have terrible nausea and i also when cleaning my teeth had blood which freaked me out that happend about twice so i went to gp and she gave me an anatcid which was great. As i had terrible tummy sickness and headach... just awful and now I have it all again. this morning i was cleaning my teeth and when rinsing my mouth I had blood I feel the citalipram may take the lining off my stomach but that may not happen to others I had gastritis years ago so could be just a bit sensitive to the tablets. I to feel shakey and as if somthing horrible is about to happen cant put my finger on it and also the chatterbox is still there in my head with those horrible negative thoughts lol. However I have got to say when i originally took them last easter after a long battle with the side effects i felt loads better. I just want to get back to that again but it's early days yet for me only been on them nearly 4 weeks so just wait and see but i was fine on 40 last time. Think its going to be another visit to my gp.

Cathy xx

yes everything you have described above that is how i am feeling plus extremely tired can just sleep & sleep i just hope it dont drag on for ages as i just want to feel myself again all the years i have been on and off these the highest i was ever on was only 20mg am now upto 40