View Full Version : stabbing pains under breastbone

17-07-11, 21:24
I've had this off an on for weeks, had chest x ray ecg and bloods, doc put it down to muscle pain and upped my ads!!! had it all day today. I can't put up with it much more :( do you think i should push for more tests, has anyone else had this?

17-07-11, 23:45
have been told in the last 8 weeks that im suffering from anxiety and panic attacks but my initial visit to the docs was for exactly what you are experiencing. Had ECG fasting blood tests all come back normal, so told it was muscle/strain, told to take ibuprofen which did not help.... and now been told it's anxiety. but yes they are worrying the pains are usually on my left side above and below breast bone. New to all this and only joined 2 days ago so hope this helps? and hope you feel better soon. Anyone else had/have the same?

17-07-11, 23:49
It could be muscular or indigestion or something like costochondritis

You have to trust what the doctor says though.

18-07-11, 03:14
well it can't be your heart as your chest xray bloods and ecg were ok!

18-07-11, 07:26
thats the thing, i don't think its my heart!!!! I know deep down its the anxiety but when its really painful and has gone on all day its hard to think its not physical :(

18-07-11, 08:45
i have it my doctor said its a mix of anixety and fibro pain mine is def the bone it feels like its hot and needs to pop if that makes sense he gave me some amirtripaline which has worked fab and also took the edge of my anixety x

18-07-11, 11:52
I'm glad you mentioned that med, Ive been hearing lots of good things about it and gonna see doc tomorrow to ask for it xxx

18-07-11, 12:06
its fab its really worked for me i take one 10mg 3 times a day and im loads more relaxed and so the pain is less i sometimes have a little ache but everyone aches im not in the bad pain. you do feel abit like a zombie at 1st but that only last 7 days at the most xx hope the gp will let you try it x

18-07-11, 13:54
I hope all goes well with suggested meds, Goodluck...try and relax, I usually give myself a talking to (out Loud) that helps me. x:)

18-07-11, 15:55
ty all will let you know xxx

19-07-11, 15:51
well he refused :( said its not for that and it can cause problems, also not happy giving it to me while on citalopram but I've read you can take both... dont know what the hell to do now :(

19-07-11, 15:53
So what does he think the pain is then?

I do agree that unless there is a very good reason you shouldn't just keep adding more medication on.

19-07-11, 16:00
i have recently been told i have panic attacks due to heart scans blood test ect , the chest pain is muscle spasm from all the stress and attacks you go through , hope this reasures you and helps, its hard and a struggle and i was told you will get through it which i didn't believe but i already feel better each the more i learn on this site :)

19-07-11, 16:15
if your not appy with your gp said see another one there is no reason why you cant have it for pain as its one of the 1st steps you would take before being sent to the chronic pain clinic im not sure about if you can take it with ciltopram but my friend takes it with her anit depressent x

19-07-11, 16:43
he agrees the pain is muscular but reckons thats not what its for hmmm oh but he gave me a script for 56 10mg oxazepam, highly addictive!!!! I did wonder about seeing another GP in the practice.

19-07-11, 16:53
it is used as pain relief it also used to help people sleep the pain clinic gave it me straight away as its the next thing to try after ibropfen and its not addictive

id def question it and push for it prescribing i use a surpport site for fibro and nearly everyone on there uses it for pain relief so as it relaxes the muscles x

19-07-11, 17:02
I know, I tried I really did :( told him how unbearable my life is atm but he was adament

19-07-11, 18:01
id see another gp hun or ask for a referal to pain clinic

my gp recomended buying a accupresre mat that you lie on for 20 minutes a day and it really helps musscle pain there expensive in the shops about 50 pound but theres a seller on ebay selling them for 14 pounds that might be worth a try xx