View Full Version : Side Effects

17-07-11, 21:43
I upped my citalopram a few days back from 30mg to 40mg and the first 3days i had nausea then since yesterday i have been feeling really anxious / sickly scared feeling with this knot feeling just below ribs, slept all day then wide awake all night i just cant seem to relax..

i remember when i first started the cit that i felt a lot worse but cant remember all the side effects every time they have been upped i just thought that i have been on them a while now that upping them to 40mg i wouldn't get any more side effects or do you get them every time they get upped ??
so is this normal the way am feeling ?

17-07-11, 23:39
anyone ??

17-07-11, 23:47
Have you read this:


and yes you will get side effects every time you up the dose

18-07-11, 22:58
Thanks I will read that x x

19-07-11, 03:47
HI, how are your side effects? I am restarting cit. 10 mg. I was on it for several years at mostly 20 mg. I was at 40mg at one point but then had to go back down.

Anyway, tonight is my 4th dose but DR said to go down to 5mg for next couple of days . I'm procrastinating. Yesterday was a complete nightmare I had taken my third dose 10 mg in the morning. Very manic energy, anxiety, had to pace around my house for hours. sitting and rocking. could not relax. could not focus. couldn't really speak but when I did I was talking fast and repeating the first word of the sentence/train of thought. I was crazed. Called doctor and he said to reduce to 5mg and also to take it at night but not that night - this night. So as I said I'm procrastinating. By 11pm I will take it, but man I'm nervous as I don't want that same experience as yesterday.

I do hope you are doing ok!

22-07-11, 04:35
Hi, Hope your ok today?
Am doing better thanks side-effects seem to have settled a lot better i find that taking my citalopram just before i go to sleep is a lot better because if there is any side effects then they happen while am a sleep so i don't notice it but most nights am not sleeping and if i do am awake by 3-4am and i go bed late :weep: but like i said my anxiety is not as bad as it used to be and i haven't been on 40mg for long so hopefully it will settle more soon x

Take care and let me no how your getting on x