View Full Version : Good job everyone!

17-07-11, 22:28
I know that most if not all people who come to this site, come because you want to be well again and not have to put up with anxiety and panic.

I read daily all that people are doing like going on holiday although you are scared to death but are doing it for your family. Going to the dentist when you are absolutely petrified of needles or just being in the chair. Going to ESA interview in town where you haven't been for years.......the list is endless, but you still do it anyway:yesyes:

You push yourselves and have more courage in your little fingers that most people in life. You do NOT give yourselves enough credit for what you do on a daily or weekly basis, which 'normal' people take for granted. I know that you want to be free of this anxiety and I am sure that one day you will be, but until then, keep on doing what you are doing, although scarey, the feeling that we get after doing it, is more than any 'normal' person could possibly feel.

Good job to everyone here, and good luck with everything.:yesyes:



17-07-11, 22:53
What a lovely post, and how very true. We tend to focus on what we can't do, and what we didn't do, and what we found difficult, when actually we should be looking at what we achieved despite finding it so hard.
If someone who was scared of heights was told to sit on the edge of a high building for a few hours, I bet they couldn't. Yet that's the equivalent of what we all do when we do things we struggle with.

We keep going regardless and have all achieved so much.

I have to agree, good job everyone! :) xxx

paula lynne
18-07-11, 10:56
I loved your post! Thanks! x:D

18-07-11, 11:15
Well said Elspeth ..Lovely post .Luv Sue x:hugs:

25-07-11, 17:09
Ahh..that's brought a little tear to my eye.

That's a lovely post xxx

26-07-11, 08:15
Lovely post, very positive, thank you x