View Full Version : Night panic attacks getting worse:-( help me... Please!!

18-07-11, 02:52
Hi there, I'm 26, and I've been suffering with anxiety for just over 2 years now mainly health anxiety really, it started with the odd panic attack after a night of 'over indulgence' and then got progressively worse as time went on! I have had two bouts of citalopram but am not currently using any!! I am seeing a psychotherapist / hypnotherapist at the moment and things had been better.... It first got a lot worse when my nan died last September although I was prepared she was the first person i lost as an adult and it really hit me, I started realising my own mortality way too much:( the mother of my step children was also battling cancer at the time and although he is clear now that also added to everything! Now this year very recently my step brother who is 28 and has two small children has inoperable brain tumours and has been given 3 months:( I know that this is all a very real but very sad part of life an during the day I can pretty much get on with everything, I have a v happy relationship and am due to get married in a year.... But the night time panic attacks are awful... I woke up about 30 mins after I went to bed feeling like I was burning, my chest pounding and my head feeling heavy with pressure pushing me down :-( I am now sat in my front room trying to calm down... I hate this I feel so scared, the 'fear of impending doom' has set in and I don't know what to do..... Can anyone help?? Please xxx

18-07-11, 09:52
I read somewhere its much more common to have panic attacks at night as the body changes for night. Ask Dr for some diazapan.

18-07-11, 10:02
HI there, Thanks for your message, I do suffer from them mostly at night tbh. Even if I have had no symptoms during the day (like yesterday)
I have only ever had Citalopram and am not overly keen on medication. How does diaz work and affect you?

18-07-11, 16:08
53 views and only one hit back......can anyone help?! Just chatting about it seems to help.....xx

18-07-11, 16:47
Hi, diazepam is a tranquilizer, it'll help to calm you down, should only be used in emergencies though as it can be addictive, talk to you doctor they will advise you xxx

19-07-11, 11:41
Thanks for coming back to me.....I think I will try and combat them myselkf before I try those! But something to think about if they get any worse.

19-07-11, 13:31
hi there, i have just read up about you panics at night, i have recently found out that i have panic attacks after being down the hospital twice in one week, i felt my skin was on fire and this happend mostly at night , allso found myself weak and dizzy. last night was the first good night in a long time ... what i seem to find that helps my mind at ease is having a window open or a small fan at the side of the bed and even just having your feet out of the covers or a small blanket .. don't make yourself too cold just a nice little breeze to help relax your mind in knowing everything is going to be ok and i also went to sleep thinking if it happens it happens and i felt the odd pain and still thought ok lets get this out the way and nothing happend :) hope you feel better and your lucky you have a partner it helps a lot knowing there by your side .. good luck and use the drugs as a very low last resort xx

19-07-11, 15:11
Hi there,

I'm glad to hear you had a good night!! :-) I had a better night last night, I think part of my problem was going to bed worrying that I was going to have one....definitely a wrong move!! I feel a lot better today, I tucked myself up with "the blue Planet" on and had a herbal tea, and managed to get about 9hours sleep!!:-)
Thank you for your tips though, I'll try that next time



19-07-11, 15:14
anytime :) i was wondering do you feel like you can't eat because of the worry ? i am finding it hard to feel hungry which is making me worse and making the attacks appear :/ xx

19-07-11, 17:22
Hmmm, Not really in that way!! When I feel anxious I can't eat because the actual act of eating makes me worse for some reason, but it hasn't affected my hunger really!

I'm not sure on that one, perhaps it's something to do with your sugar levels!? Maybe force yourself to have a choccie bar or similar when you feel like that.