View Full Version : Help, in a panic!

18-07-11, 09:15
I hope someone can reassure me before I go into a total meltdown, I am constantly in fear of finding a breast lump it takes over my life. I go from avoiding checking to obsessive checking, that's where I am now I can't leave them alone! I was absentmindedly doing it yesterday while watching TV when I felt a lump. I pulled my hand away in shock but now I can't find the lump again, I have been re checking all night but can't find it I know I definately felt something. Im due on my period this week so I am quite lumpy anyway.
Thanks for reading :)

18-07-11, 09:58
Me too. I haven't checked mine for 5 months and have felt great and now I am obssessively checking and can feel all sorts. I don't have any words of wisdom as I can't even help myself! But you are not alone.



18-07-11, 10:06
Thanks Mogwog, you may not know it but your posts are a lot of help to me as you seem to be exactly like me so I feel less alone with this.:flowers: I have had HA for about 12 years now at the beginning I really did think it was just me, don't know where I would be without the internet!
Aycie X

18-07-11, 10:12
I know what you mean - I don't feel so alone when I come on here. Hope you start to feel better soon:D


18-07-11, 10:28
your breasts can get lumpy when due on a period hun if you did have a dedicate lump it would still be there hard and sore so don't worry x

18-07-11, 10:35
Thanks Emmi, I know you're right. I'm going to try really hard to leave it alone and check again after my period.x

18-07-11, 10:47
I get lumpy then too, funnily enough I worry about a lump in the back of my throat instead, although my mum had breast cancer last year. I start thinking i'm going to choke and the more I swallow nervously the worse I make it.
Well done you, for getting through it without totally freaking out!! x

18-07-11, 10:58
HOpe this helps did you know that if you drag your fingers across your breasts rather than press straight down then you will feel the fat cells. I only know this because about 6 yrs ago I was absentmindedly rubbing my breast and as I pulled the tissue I felt a lumpy area and panicked. I could not find it again and my Dr could not either and he asked me how I had felt it and when I showed him he told me that. If you have had a breast exam by a Dr they almost seem to poke you but never rub or drag.

18-07-11, 11:14
Thanks so much for replying all of you I feel much better now.
Niknok, I think sometimes we all get locked into our own vicious circle of worry, but you are not alone. x
Yes Countrygirl I was doing that dragging thing then I did it the proper way using pads of my fingers pressing in small circles and couldn't find anything never thought I would panic about a lump I couldn't find! x