View Full Version : Strange Pressure on head and weird heavy sensations in my Jaw and face?!!

18-07-11, 09:36
HI there,

I have this strange sensation in my head......it feels really, really heavy! Like there is a massive pressure build up, I had a panic attack last night so I am wondering if it is a side effect from this but it's kind of freaking me out!! It makes me feel like i am not going to be able to open my mouth properly almost, really heavy.

Can anyone help#~?

18-07-11, 12:41

I am having this pressure at the moment and have for the past week, it feels as though someone is pushing down and squeezing the top of my head , also feel the squeezing sensation in my face,
Have had several major panic attacks because of it. GP thinks its anxiety related brought on by having tension headaches !!!
Going back to GP today as not getting any better......
It is a horrid feeling :weep:

19-07-11, 17:24
Hi there,

Did you get any more out of the GP? Mine is better today, I have a feeling it is to do with my sinuses!! I don't think the weather the other day helped either as it was quite muggy.
How are you feeling now?


03-08-11, 03:52
I had the same exact thing, feels like your head is in a vice? a lot of pressure? random spots? It's all anxiety related, trust me. Before I started taking citalopram I was like that for 3 months, it's no fun, I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. It will get better, try and relax yourself, easier said than done, I know. You can do it.

03-08-11, 04:15
hi my name is jessica and ive also had bad bad bad head pressure every sense last august 2010 i had it for 8 stright months and it did go away for 3 months and now its back very badly i had ct scan it was normal...it causes me to have bad panic attacks thinking its something bad ...i also have pain and pressure in my jaws...it lasted allday long everyday i never get a break from it ...its awfull...i do not take meds as iam sceard of meds...i suffer from very bad health anx ...ive been under lots of stress latley iam not sure if thats causeing this or not ...i wish u all well ..take care

03-08-11, 06:36
TMJ can cause this big time, also could be from wisdom teeth if you have them,
Jess do you have TMJ I'm pretty sure that would show up in the MRI scan?
Also if you grind your teeth a night a dentist can make you a night gaurd.

03-08-11, 09:38
I've experienced this too. I had it after a bad sinus infection and it tends to come and go now. I also noticed I was clenching my teeth a lot too without realising it. Hope you feel better soon.