View Full Version : blood pressure?

01-05-06, 02:35
Hi, all! Just a note to say hello! All doing well panic wise, knock on wood, but had a slight bit of issue with higher than normal blood pressure. Before I go to any doctor, I would like to check if any of you have experienced this as purely a "panic" related symptom. I have been under a bit of pressure at work lately with an ugly acting colleague which I think I simply literally "took to heart>" Once I bluntly and assertively informed her of my feelings, the pressure "magically" dropped 10 points on the low end...therefore, I think it is simply panic or stress related.
Hope all's well with you.
Booked 2 holidays this summer...one by car, one by plane...big steps all for me!!!! I am so pleased with the cognitive behavioral therapy strategies I have learned here!!!!! xxoo, Taf:D

01-05-06, 02:38
Hi there,

Blood pressure reacts almost immediately to any stress and anxiety sso try not to worry too much

Shiv x

01-05-06, 02:47
hi there,
sounds like it's definitely panic related. here's a link to a post that might reassure you:

High Blood Pressure caused by P.a's (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3033)


01-05-06, 09:50
taf this is so normal to get a high reading


01-05-06, 10:19
See jackie who has posted on here..she knows i had a masif issue with my bp,,, always checking it.. got well obsessed with it all the time.. would do it before i went to the doctors .. and get him to do it when i got there.. it went low and then went high and was never at a happy medium.. oh gosh i would freak my head of..
Truth is though it cant harm you, ya bp is expected to be high or low when ya suffer with anxiety..know how ya feel love totally.


01-05-06, 15:06
Oh good gracious you should see what my blood pressure does when I am anxious - it's truly awesome taking a reading at the doctors. I totally have white coat blood pressure!!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-05-06, 19:17
Hi Taf

I totally agree with what others have said here. Anxiety definitely does affect blood pressure readings, as does a whole host of other emotions.

Well done for booking the holidays and I hope you have a great time on both.

It is great that the CBT approach is working so well for you.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-05-06, 07:21
I visited my doctor last week because my blood pressure was really low,

80/50, once i got to my gp it read normal 110/60.
He waid the reason i been getting dizzy wasnt because of my blood pressure but im not so sure cos i was really dizzy feeling like i would fall over in the house !

I find just turning my head in the house sometimes makes me feel so dizzy . im told this is anxiety which seems mad ?

does anyone else get this ?


02-05-06, 08:25
mirry ..i used to get this mega bad.. and yes when i moved my head i would go really dizzy.. the fact is when we have anxiety our bp can go up and down and all over the show.. dosnt actually mean in a anxious person it can hurt you .. because it cant.
Mirry i used to be really bad seriosuly i did so i know where you are coming from with that one, i used to get shakey too when my bp used to get real low.
Cant harm you though, i know thats hard to belive, but its the truth.. this one i was obsessed by it made me so ill.


Two heads
02-05-06, 12:03
I agree with you there ash!I get white coat befor i go to docs and my bp goes write up!even cardio mention it when i went to see him last week.He had a report back from doc saying my bp was high that day i last saw her and when he took it it was fine!I said to him they make me anxious at my surgery.xxx