View Full Version : terrified, need reassurance

18-07-11, 09:40
i've posted here recently about this, but did'nt get many replies. I'm absolutely desperate for some reassurance.

I've been in a high state of anxiety for the past 7 weeks and in this time i've been having diahorea/loose stools on a regular basis. I have ibs also. I've seen a number of drs about this and they all say its the anxiety making my ibs flair up. I also have'nt been eating well as i lose my appetite when i'm anxious. Although my appetite has improved over the last week

I've also gone from 40mg to 60mg of citalopram so not sure if thats aggravating my bowels. As soon as i wake up in the morning i have to go to the toilrt. Sometimes its normal but other times its a little loose.

After i've been a couple of times i still feel the urge to go but when i try i can't. Last night i had a bottle of rose wine and this morning i've been to the toilet 4 times, very loose each time. I'm getting so freaked out by this.

Really could use some reassuring words.

paula lynne
18-07-11, 09:47
Hi Rainbow, I would imagine anxiety and an increase in meds could both be responsible for loose bowels. I do know that everytime I have a bottle of wine, it has a strong laxative effect :blush: and a bottle willl definately make you go a lot.

18-07-11, 10:01
I also think the wine would have someting to do with it, I have IBS and it plays havoc with me too. x

18-07-11, 10:06
Hi, I think your getting yourself so wound up it's like a vicious circle.
For example I woke up this morning to do school run and I was fine then about 10 minutes before we had to leave my stomach started growling like when your hungry, I had half a beaker of milk and set out with my daughter and little boy, was ok, just drove 2-3 minutes down the road started feeling winded and then like a wasn't breathing. The thing is I've had this for a couple of weeks and get freaked out I'm gonna end up in an ambulance unconscious etc, but what brought this feeling on was the start of a virus, followed my a heavy period which tires me out as they are soo heavy and I've got very low iron and am aneamic. To cut along story short the minute I feel unwell I panic then my anxiety starts again, so like I said for the last two wks since feeling unwell my anxiety as spiraled out of control. Anyway this morning as awful as the sensation was and whilst driving with my two kids, I carried on dropped my daughter of had two short conversations with the mums, got back in the car and drove home, the feelings gone my tummies still a little upset, BUT I'm breathing , alert and feel ok!!!!! Sooo it was obviously anxiety making it worse, I think if I hadn't have managed to calm down it would have been a full blown panic attack and I would have turned the car round and come straight back home BUt I remained composed.

What I'm trying to say is I think it is a lot of mind over matter, I know somedays you just can't shake the feelings and thought off but I think you constantly worrying is making you a whole lot worse. One of the main give sways with anyone whose nervous and worked up is going to the loo a lot , even people who don't have anxiety disorders. I think your mega worked up and need lots of rest and wind down time, drink as much as you can and get some build up shakes, complan or something. And do something to take your mind off the worry!! The meeds won't make the toilet situation better also but if you can try and relax just a bit maybe tummy will start to feel a little more settled.

I know it's hard, I sometimes feel like shaking myself to calm down and sometimes JUST can't BUT I think panicking etc makes you and the sensations a lot worse and like me this morning I thought to my self " look do I want to feel any more worse, NO so just calm down".

Hope this helps XX

18-07-11, 11:26
thank you all for your replies,

Really needed to hear some rational reasons for these symptoms. I really am struggling with this, i cant concentrate on anything atm. My stomach is churning every single day. I feel that i'm letting my family down because of this. I have 5 kids aged 26,25,19,7 and 4. I also have a 5 yo grandson and 8 week old grandaughter and i'm just not giving any of them the attention they deserve.

I'm getting increasingly depressed every day. I know that if i cant calm down my stomach wont settle but i can't help it.

I started cbt last week so hoping that will help.

paula lynne
18-07-11, 11:30
All the best with the CBT, I know its helped a lot of people on this forum.x

18-07-11, 13:46
really in a major panic now. I've been 6 times now and my stomach is still churning. Ddon't know what to do. I'm terrified, cant take much more of this.

Please somebody tell me they've experienced this aswell.

paula lynne
18-07-11, 14:26
Could you take immodium plus? It stops the cramps (anti-spasmodic) within 10 minutes and stops the loose bowels.

18-07-11, 14:47
Yes I get this a lot and it is IBS. You really need to watch what you are eating and definitely no alcohol!

Also smoking (if you do smoke) will aggrevate it.

They also advised me to take imodium if it is that bad.

18-07-11, 14:53
hi, yeah i think i will take something for it, just get worried that there is something seriously wrong with me, although i know its most likely the wine/ibs/anxiety thats caused it to be so bad today.

I just want to get back to normal. I'm exhausted with living in fear.