View Full Version : Heart worries coming back again! :( Reassurance needed!

18-07-11, 10:33
Hi, I posted a few months ago about my heart worries and how everyday I feel my heart is just going to stop and im going to drop down dead! :( It really gets me down and I dread going to sleep at night incase I don't wake the next morning! :(
I've had 1 ecg which the doctor said showed Sinus Tachycardia. Would this stop any heart conditions from showing up? I also had two doctors listen to my heart, pulse etc and had blood tests which came back clear according to the doctor. I am only 19 and shouldnt be worried about this :( I worry that I may have a congential heart condition or another heart condition that is pasted down through genes in families that can cause sudden death in young people.
Would heart conditions, even rare conditions, have symptoms assosicated with them? Would you know if you had something wrong with your heart?
Please anyone! I just need some reassurance and want to stop this before it gets out of hand again.

18-07-11, 23:07
There are so many tell tale signs you would certainly know. It seems your anxiety levels are high and you just. need to relax and try not to worry. I have had tachocardia since I was in my twenties. They put me on beta blockers to regulate my heart. im sure if your was bad they would have done the same for you. It seems you are overreacting and you just need to focus on other things. I hope you feel better soon.

19-07-11, 04:57
I have the same worries about my heart. i feel like i won't wake up in the morning. and i'm only 18. its terrible worrying about your heart at such a young age.. but we can't help it.. yet anyway. i look so ridiculous. i'll be in public and i'll just grab my chest to feel if my hearts beating normal. its embarrassing. i wish you the best.

19-07-11, 11:45
im exactly the same im a bad pulse checker

im having cbt at the mo for it maybe that could help you?
as for a ecg my mum has a heart condition and her cardoligist said he can see a problem straight away off a ecg so try not to worry

19-07-11, 11:53
If you have had an ECG then your fine. You could ask for an Echo to be 100% sure.

Thing is ive been in same position suffering the same symptoms. You need to get your anxiety levels down. Then the symptoms will start to disapear.

The bad thing is your anxious BECAUSE of your current symptoms so its a vicious circle!

Have a chat with your GP.

19-07-11, 16:25
i def agree with the post above if you reduce your anixety then the symptoms will go im in excatly the same boat with teh same panics

have you tryed cbt it doesnt work for everyone but it might help the nhs has a long wait in most areas but if you have a womens center they offer it for free and i got seen after 10 days x

19-07-11, 16:52
Hi everyone and thanks for all your replies.
I try everyday to convince myself that because I've seen two doctors who listened to my heart, had blood tests and an ecg that I must be okay! However, it only works for a short time and then I'm back worrying about it :( I don't even have any family history of any strange heart conditions that could strike me down so young. It all started when I read about a footballer who died in his sleep and from then on I've just thought 'Oh thats going to happen to me!' and then have gone on to read other victims of this dreaded 'Sudden Adult Death.' Has any of you ever heard of this? If so, do you have any reassuring advice for me about it? I know the conditions that cause these sudden deaths usually run in families and there are normally some family members who have died when they were young, which I don't have any of!!

I don't want to keep running back to the Doctors because I feel I will be wasting his time :(:(

19-07-11, 17:01
hun having a ecg will find the problems that cause sudden adult death i know some one who lost there boyfriend to it he didnt hjave any cases in his family but youve been checked if you still worried theres a chairty called cry and they have a cardoligst and the offer free ecg and echos to people i went last year and they were fab they tell you the results there and then and they tour round the country there usually aprked in tescos. but you dont need to go cbt might really help yoiu

19-07-11, 20:31
Yeah I've heard of cry and have looked on their website. I think the main thing that bothers me is that these stories of people who die suddenly report that they mostly didn't have any ill symptoms that would indicate anything was wrong with them. This is what I find the hardest to accept and is the stem of all my worries.if I knew that signs and symptoms were present, I may be able to get over this worry more. I can't believe it could be possible to just die suddenly without any warning beforehand.

19-07-11, 21:29
i am the same as you on here worry about everything my skipped heartbeat and feel my pulse all day long had an ecg done and bloodwork which came back fine i know i make myself worse at time but i cant help it at all and dont really have anyone to talk to about it at all

19-07-11, 22:19
Michelle neither do I! You don't feel like anyone else understands the worry I experience and they don't understand how difficult it can be to deal with these thoughts every single day. Plus you feel stupid for worrying about something so much.

20-07-11, 08:02
im exactly the same ive had so many ecgs echos recordings 24hr monitoring yet i still convince my self theres something wrong i hold my self so trense that i cause my self to have chest pain as its inflamed and i kee thinking peole are lieing to me or missing something but you have to challegene those thoughts if yoiu want to get better else it will always be the same i know its easier said than done buit remember most of those people who just die havent even had a ecg as that shows the probelm and yiu have and it was fine xx

20-07-11, 08:21
Yeah that's what I'm going to try and think about when these awful thoughts enter my mind. Do you know if these heart conditions that can cause sudden death do have any symptoms and is it rare for people to die this way?? Thank you for all your help so far!

20-07-11, 08:24
they do have symptoms but people dont know they are symtoms remember that a ecg isnt normal to have when your young if they had a ecg it would show the problem which is why cry are offereing free test. its really hard to get rid of the horrid thoughts i really struggle im panicing like mad as i have to go out today but i start cbt week and im hoping it might help x

20-07-11, 08:28
they do have symptoms but people dont know they are symtoms remember that a ecg isnt normal to have when your young if they had a ecg it would show the problem which is why cry are offereing free test. its really hard to get rid of the horrid thoughts i really struggle im panicing like mad as i have to go out today but i start cbt week and im hoping it might help x

Oh right I see. Do you know of any good self help books for health anxiety as I've heard some other people talking about these books and have found them quite useful??

20-07-11, 09:07
i have read a few ill ind you thet titles when i get back from town and pm them you x

20-07-11, 09:09
Oh that would be great, thank you.