View Full Version : been outside huge panic attack

18-07-11, 12:27
well was ok this morning felt fine well almost been to feed my horses fine went to shop for hair dye husband outside waiting flew in the shop got to till and then OMG felt like my heart was gonna explode felt dizzy like my blood pressure dropped through the floor and like nearly passing out flew out the shop legs feel like jelly just can't believe out the blue it happened again now i know this is anxiety and panic at its highest but now i am thinking i have something up with my blood so there you go another day ruined when will it ever stop now coz agriaphobia is setting in bad can't go anywhere on my own and now frightened to get out the car :weep:

18-07-11, 14:50
this happens to me most days. i feel fine then out of the blue it happens. i keep saying to myself 'why me' what have i done thats so bad for me to suffer like this day in day out. the feelings are terrifying and sometimes i struggle leaving the house. i know deep down i wont pass out, i wont die, but theres that voice in the back of my mind saying 'but it could happen this time'. i had all my bloods tested a couple of months back coz i thought there must be a reason why i go dizzy, jelly legs, depersonalise, but aparently i am fine. i am currently signed off work but dread the thought of going back coz i have attacks in the car and now even in the office.if it wasnt for my son i would not leave the house at all:weep:

18-07-11, 14:52
i get this feeling when im on social situations it is so bad i hate it so much really annoys me

18-07-11, 14:56
going doctors at 4 need some answers now this is just crazy x

18-07-11, 15:52
Hi Emmi

That's exactly what happens to me too.

You said you ran in the shop and dashed to the till!! Kinda sounds to me like you were already very anxious and expecting to panic.

I used to be bad for that but i have had to train myself NOT to run even when there is nothing i want to do more. If you're already feeling anxious or panicy then by running, you are just speeding up your breathing making the panic feel alot worse.

Good luck at the docs huni


18-07-11, 16:00
I agree with bottleblond, no matter how bad you feel, stay there until it passes or it will be much harder to go next time. Remember...no retreat and no surrender.
I hope you feel better soon

18-07-11, 16:40
aw thanks guys just in doctors now on here on my phone helping me out with your comments x

18-07-11, 18:08
How did you get on hun? :hugs: xx

18-07-11, 18:35
well been to doctors been told not got overian cancer got to see a therapist on Thursday doubled my mirtazapine and beta blockers now husband saying he gonna pay private for a full health check x