View Full Version : Help Back to work.

18-07-11, 13:09
Was feeling better back to work tomorrow but had the first major panic attack at just the thought of going back. I thought I was handling it but obviously not. Don't know how i'm going to keep calm. Any ideas??:wacko::wacko:

18-07-11, 13:30
Hi Hope38,

It is the thought of going back making you panic. I worked myself up over going back to work that much but when I got there I was ok.
Had a few waves of panic but I told myself it was just a panic attack - no one ever died of a panic attack. I rode it out & nothing happened.

Good luck!!!

Emily xxx

18-07-11, 13:36
Hi Hope ,

have written to you on Scoobs thread cos it is similar .
good luck and will be thinking of you xxx:hugs: