View Full Version : Axiety/panic and my prof

01-05-06, 05:06
hi everyone...
well my exams are over and I have the whole summer to work and relax..well try anyway. Some of you reading this may know about my issue with one of my professors. To update anyone, I have been in college ofr 4 years, working on my second diploma as a child and youth counsellor. Since I started this January, my panic, anxiety and PTSD has resurfaced because I have been having old issues resurface and one of my professors is ...well a bitch. Ok, I have had a couple profs that I don't totally get along with,... that is normal..this one seems to have gone out of her way (I don't really know why) to try to make my life hell. it mainly began when I disclosed to her that I was in an abusive relationship in the past, and I told her than because we were going to talk about abuse and intimate violence and I wanted her to know in case I needed to leave the class, or got upset, and just I was hoping for her to be sensitive, but she wasn't at all. All of my other classes my profs like me and I have all A's, but this prof decided to fail me miserably on my final exam...which has never happened. I have been working hard all day to fight of anxiety. I emailed one prof, my law prof and asked for advice which I got (a number to call), but didn't mention her name ofcourse. Anyways..it has been a really long day, and I am working so hard to fight off anxiety...and I am going to appeal my grade, and work on reporting this prof of mine....because she has been totally out of line. She even humiliated me on purpose when I went to my final exam. She first told me to get some paper when I came in the room, and as I walked to the stack of paper she said "No, go sit at a desk with paper", and a few immature students sniggered. She even cut the exam 10 mins short, after looking down at my paper...she has told me to shut up and has been so rude and mean in the past....and her failing me on my exam and therefore lowering my GPA was harsh. I know I can apppeal it, but it hurts. But still, I can't let her bully be, and abuse me, or others, which she does...I am not the only one...but most people don't do anything.
My injury is better, so I went for a long walk today, and it felt good..even though my ankle hurts a bit....but I didn't hurt myself.
I will update you on what happens, but I am working real hard not to go into crisis like I did not long ago.
So has anyone else had a teacher like this?This really is the first time I have had a teacher triggger anxiety attacks and so much stress for me. I don't like it at all. I hate that helpless feeling..but I know I have good advice from my law prof, and one of my other profs knows what is going on a bit...he could see it...and said he would let me use his name and help back me up. So I think this is not the first time this prof has done this...but I am not the kind of person to keep quiet....and I think she tried to do that...quiet me,,,,.but she was wrong. I may have to change colleges, but it would be worth it to stick up not just for me but for other students...and to show them that students have those rights....we pay for our education...not to be bullied and/or yelled at.
Anyways...gotta go to bed.
Has anyone else had experiences like this, and what happened?

01-05-06, 05:17
I actually did have a somewhat similar situation. There was a professor that I just felt had it out for me. She did not actually fail me on anything, but she would give me grades lower than what I am used to, and offer basically no explaination. One day after class I asked to speak with her. I was just totally honest, in a non accusatory sort of way. I told her that I have been working very hard in her class, and that I feel my efforts have not paid off. I said something along the lines of it seems that for some reason you just dont like me. I even told her that I struggle with anxiety, and this has just been really difficult for me. She felt bad, and said she was going to relook my paper, and in the end, changed my grade. Sometimes it just helps to communicate with people. I know its hard. When I went to speak with her I wanted to say so many nasty things to her... But no one responds to that. Maybe you should try talking to her? I know the frustration... The stress of school is enough, a professor like that can make in unbearable.