View Full Version : IBS/anxiety flare up?

18-07-11, 19:17
Since last night I had some biscuits I had a spell of diarrhea when I was i9n the toilet half an hour and lay in bed feeling uncomfortable. It's went on into today been once but been going back in short spells where it's been a tiny bit of diarrhea more liquid and my backside is burning up.

Is it an IBS flare up? :blush:

18-07-11, 19:20
Yes most probably.

18-07-11, 22:05
Maybe you should give the biscuits a miss?

28-07-11, 01:50
i can't eat certain biscuits/chocolates/ice-cream as it kicks my stomach off to xx

29-07-11, 00:11
Rather than make a new post I was also going to ask other than the odd flare up have..sometimes now I can hold the toilet in all day being out and not feel that urge to go plus I get days with a hard stool rater than the daily diarrhea I still get may days where I feel incomplete which still cause me a little health anxiety.

It sounds silly but is it progress? The flare up was from a job interview. Is holding it in covering the problem or like less anxiety it's normal?

29-07-11, 02:31
Rather than make a new post I was also going to ask other than the odd flare up have..sometimes now I can hold the toilet in all day being out and not feel that urge to go plus I get days with a hard stool rater than the daily diarrhea I still get may days where I feel incomplete which still cause me a little health anxiety.

It sounds silly but is it progress? The flare up was from a job interview. Is holding it in covering the problem or like less anxiety it's normal?

This is all normal the bit i hate here is the feeling like i need to go again & again just the feeling of bein incomplete and i don't really need to go but that feeling lingers on all day :(

06-08-11, 22:12
Well had another flare up..STILL not 100% accepting it's anxiety or IBS triggered

At work my bowels have been fine as the past few months I've managed to hold it in for a while I felt this constant urge to go and it was diarrhea now I seldom get diarrhea so that's a positive.

However I still get loose, mushy stools I find this most frustrating as for like 24 hours or a whole day I walk about feeling I need, usually if I go it's solid and nod diarrhea but sometimes it's mostly just tiny bits or stains. I was at work tonight getting anxious over it like why me? I'm not nervous not ate anything too unusual to even trigger today's episode. I got freaked out when I went to the toilet and scrapped too hard and it was all red blood for a little bit.

Now I was going every day at one stage, managed to settle it to a day I'd not need a bowel movement atall and now it's about two..so perhaps it's settling however I still ask WHY? I don't even feel it's well documented anxiety affects your bowels..maybe I'm not looking enough? Just keep feeling it's serious..I hate people talking about anything bowel related or health because automatically I question..or almost believe I've got it..

Does it sound normal? How can I accept it's anxiety I just feel it's a major issue..

Also my self confidence is low because of thus and my anxiety. I feel feel like an old pensioner with bowel trouble and sometimes I feel tired that makes me worry more and I'm only 22 but still feel so old. I feel if I get a girlfriend I'd be ashamed of these issues at my age..will it come to a point where the bowel issues settle right down? It's been going on about a year. I am tyring to add fruit and healthier things to settle the bowels.. what I and I try to relax and and exercise too? :blush:

08-08-11, 08:56
Anybody help?

I lay in bed until 3.3am last night and I googled and I'm scared again. :ohmy:

08-08-11, 09:13
There is so much information about anxiety and bowel problems being linked, I'm amazed you can't find it anywhere.

Have a read of this: http://www.irritable-bowel-syndrome-cure.org/psychology-and-irritable-bowel-syndrome.php

No but will have a look later.

It's just this "what if" once I google. :blush:

08-08-11, 22:19
No but will have a look later.

It's just this "what if" once I google. :blush:

am the same Phil its all what if this what is its not ibs etc i hate it and lately i am suffering bad wind it kills my stomach gives me bad head & nausea :weep:

31-08-11, 23:02
my IBS is what caused my anxiety disorder as I constantly worry about not feeling well and needing the loo. But when I get really anxious about it that actually makes it happen! It's a vicious cycle. :(