View Full Version : Do you cry?

01-05-06, 18:39
I was thinking back, and I have not cried for over 6 months! I think I am keeping my feelings bottled in.

I just was wondering if anyone else has done this?

01-05-06, 19:13
Hi Kelly

I have problems showing emotion by crying too and am forever being told that I need to do a lot more crying to let go of all my past and present hurts. My issue is that I feel vulnerable showing emotion due largely to my upbringing and so even when I desperately feel the need to cry, I physically cannot do it.

Are you able to cry but deliberately holding back? If so, why? Crying can help release a lot of pent up hurt, frustratation, fear etc. I

I would say if you can let go and have a good sob then it is good to do so.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

existential crisis
01-05-06, 19:26
Kelly - I agree with Karen, a good old sob is a good way of releasing pent up emotions. If I have a good old cry I can feel the tension just draining out of me...I say that if you feel like crying, just go for it. Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

01-05-06, 19:37
Thanks for writing.

I actually feel like crying sometimes but physically can not. It's so strange.

My husband always says I never open up to him also.

01-05-06, 20:06

Did you stop to think that maybe you have nothing to cry about and that maybe things are not getting you down as much as you think they should therefore negating the need to cry. I would open up to your husband it may take the paternship to a new high


01-05-06, 21:08
Hi Kelly,

I was just wondering if you are taking any medication, i used to get upset and cry alot, sometimes i would cry and not even no why, but since i have started medication i havent cried at all. Never realy thought about it until i read your post.

Love Andrea

01-05-06, 21:23
I take a small dose of xanax as needed and toprol xl to keep my heart rate down.. that is all.

I really do try to open up to my husband. He is so good to me. He treats me like a queen. It's just hard to talk about my feelings.

My sister use to be the only person I would open up too and ever since she found out she has cancer (stage 5 :-( ), I never go to her because she does not need to hear my problems.

03-05-06, 16:40
oh god I can cry at the drop of a hat when I'm due on!

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.