View Full Version : Emotionally drained

19-07-11, 00:03
Why is it know one seems to know (outside of NMP)or understand what Im going through yet claim to know they do....GRRRRR!:mad:

paula lynne
19-07-11, 00:31
I dont think even "specialists" in anxiety really get it you know, unless youve been there and been through it. Its so hard explaining how you feel, exhausting sometimes. If it was a broken arm you could SHOW someone and they would understand!

Im sorry youre upset tonight. I know youre tired. Its so frustrating isnt it? Have a hug x:hugs:

19-07-11, 00:45
Really frustrating! In the past I was so positive and even today I had moments of clarity and then......

Thanks again Paula, you're right and I am tired, I am sure thinks will look better in morning.

paula lynne
19-07-11, 00:50
Hope you sleep well x Nos Da from Wales (Good night) x

20-07-11, 00:52
Why is it know one seems to know (outside of NMP)or understand what Im going through yet claim to know they do....GRRRRR!:mad:
Ooooh know exactly what you mean there. You can't always understand these things properly from just reading the literature or text books :lac:. I would rather talk to another anxiety sufferer about these issues anyday rather than anyone else. Luckily my GPs are pretty good though :).
