View Full Version : Physical Urges !!!

01-05-06, 21:35
Hi There,

Firstly, I apologise for my subject title, but I really couldn't find another phrase to explain my problem !!

Does anyone else, when they get nervous in situations, have a very urgent need to visit the loo !!

Because that is what is happening to me at the moment. If I have to face a situation that makes me particularly nervous, such as a family gathering, travel by car/plane, social outings etc. I find that my body goes into complete meltdown and I urgently need to visit the toilet.

This is where my panic history stems from, I think. I am having a bit of a problem breaking the panic cycle surrounding this situation.

I can be travelling in a car, I am nervous about where I am going, I feel the sudden urge to go to the toilet, I'm on a particular stretch of road that has no facilities for me to stop at, MY TRIGGER IS PULLED and the panic starts. I need to get out of the car, my breathing is rapid, I cannot calm myself down.

It happened to me on Sunday, actually. I had a family social gathering to go to with my husband and son. This particular part of my husband's family make me particularly nervous because I don't see them that often and they aren't very comfortable to be around, i.e. we never really know what to say to each other.

So, I felt nervous from the off. I made sure that I went to the toilet about 5 times before I left the house, just to make sure that I didn't need it when I was in the car. We had to travel for about 1.5 hours and during the last half hour, I knew we were getting closer to the venue and I suddenly felt that familiar 'urge' to go to the toilet.

I can laugh about it now, but at the time I was distraught.

I sang songs in my head, I counted cars, I did anything to take my mind off needing the toilet. However, this isn't just about negative thoughts, this is trying to prevent the physical symptoms of needing the loo happening too quickly (if you know what I mean).

We had to stop off at a nearby pub, that was shut, and I met the Landlord coming out of his car to open up the pub and politely, but rather ashamedly, asked if I could use his facilities. He obliged, but I felt so ashamed of myself.

I kept saying to myself whilst in the toilet, "you are a 36 year old woman who is begging a landlord to use his loo because you cannot control the urge to visit the toilet"

I do give myself a very hard time after the event, but then I rationalise my problem - everyone needs the toilet, some more eager than others like myself. It's just that this is now happening everytime I have to face something that makes me nervous. I urgently need the toilet. If I go to an unfamiliar place, the first thing I look out for is where the toilets are.

I actually missed out on a fantastic helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon because I could not board an aircraft that didn't have toilet facilities, because I knew that if I needed the toilet urgently, I could not get off and I damn sure know that I could not 'hold myself' before we landed and having a full blown panic attack in an enclosed space such as a helicopter is not my idea of fun. I hated myself for turning it down because to me that is just pure AVOIDANCE and I try not to go down that road if at all possible.

I would dearly love to hear from anyone who is or has experienced this problem and any suggestions for how to get over this hurdle.

I have successfully managed to get over my anxiety/panic attacks. I was having these because of absolutely NOTHING and I can now rationalise what is happening to my body when I am short of breath, feel faint etc.

But this is, what I feel, the final hurdle in my complete recovery from anxiety.

It's such a taboo subject, talking to someone and having the need to visit the toilet all the time.

But if I cannot bear my soul on this website and tell my inner most embarrassing ailments to those who have probably experienced the very same, then who can I turn to !!

PLEASE HELP ANYONE. You can PM me or put it out for all to see, I really don't mind.

May Day
01-05-06, 23:32
Hi Jackie

The constant need to visit the loo is a prefectly normal response for a healthy person to experience when in unfamiliar or stressful situations ... think about all those job interviews or travelling abroad when you're not used to it ... you just keep going just in case ... when you suffer anxiety your body responses are intesified more so you notice these things happening ...

i don't have any real answers for you as i don't have this problem but you should relax as much as you can and try to make the time in between visits longer so that your body gets used to you telling it what to do other than it telling you what to do ...

Good luck


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

02-05-06, 20:57
It has taken me quite a while to pluck up courage and join in with this forum. I have been reading the info for a while and have benfitted a great deal. I was so relieved to find someone else who has the same 'symptom' as I have had this last week. I thought I was going insane!!!
A little history - I've suffered from anxiety for a while. General health anxiety for years but things came to a head last year. I suffered panic attacks and a 'lump in the throat' which I was convinced would mean I would never sing again! Wrong - I am singing again! I thought I had dealt with the anxiety but no!
Just over a week ago I started to get panicky again - worry and stress crept in. As I ws getting over a cold I was drinking a lot of water and going to the toilet a lot - someone joked about incontinenec and that was it!! I am now in and out the loo what feels like all the time. I am also having panic attacks. I did the worst thing you can do and looked up symptoms on the Internet - yes i've got it all. The drs (yes I've seen 2 already) have said it is anxiety and it will pass as did the throat thing. i was a little freaked as it is not a symptom you read about. However, i have researched a little deeper and it is quite common. I've been referred for some therapy now to help. Hope this helps - you are not alone, I was beginning to think it was just me!

02-05-06, 21:07
as the girls said this is soo normal and many posts have been written on it

this thing is all so hard to accept i know


02-05-06, 21:54
phycical urge are commoe in OCD please talk to your Dr if you have never been diagnoised with OCD better to ask than to ignore them. urges can get stronger and stronger over time if left untreated.

03-05-06, 13:00
hi yes i know that feeling well i also know its part and parcle of GAD i have the exact same problem and its terrible i have spoken to many other people and not met anyone who also has this problem although my doc says its normal maybe they dont like to discus it! i know that its part of the "fight or flight" to empty our bodies i dont know if it helps to know the reason why but thats it... hope this helps and you are so not alone.x

03-05-06, 13:43
Thanks needed that , thought I was going mad. Still feel there's something more sinister going on though - just part and parcel of anxiety I guess! [Sigh...]

03-05-06, 18:36
Thank you to everyone who has replied. If you'll parden the pun, it is such a 'relief' to know that I'm not alone. I've actually been trying to modify my diet somewhat, trying to eliminate different foods that I think make my problem worse. At the moment, I have cut out drinking tea, as I have found that I do actually need to toilet straight after a cup of tea, so that's gone now. After coming from a long line of 'tea drinkers' in my family, it has been very difficult not to get up in the morning and put the kettle on !! I have stuck to drinking flavoured water and so far so good.

So, anyone else who has this problem, check your diet, start with the basics and move on up until you feel a little better.

That's what I'm going to do anyway !!

Best of luck to everyone and please feel free to PM me at anytime, I'm always around.

Kindest regards.

Jackie xx

If the opportunity doesn't knock .... build a door.

May Day
03-05-06, 20:02
Hi jackie

tea and coffee are both diuretics so they will make you want to go to the loo more ... its good to avoid them if you can and drinking water is far better for you anyway ... you could try making some fruit smoothies too as they taste great and full of vitamins ... a much healthier option to tea and coffee ... if you're lucky someone else will make them for you ... my daughter has recently discovered the pleasure or using the blender lol

take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

06-05-06, 17:32
Hi after being told that it was just anxiety, seeing three doctors, the final dr did another test and i have an infection - no wonder i was in agony. Anyway on treatment now but watching the diet - I've lost 5lbs these last two weeks bit scary really - not the way I'd choose to lose it but anyway i can fit into things I couldn't get into before - lets look on the bright side - you have to really! Panic attacks are still flourishing though - wow they wear you out! [:O]