View Full Version : I just wanna cry!!

19-07-11, 15:55
Hi there. I just joined today. I'm so frustrated and annoyed and sad and all other horrible things just now. I suffered from panic attacks about 10 years ago. They came out of nowhere, and after an ECG at the hospital to be sure my heart wasn't going to explode, I basically dealt with it myself and managed to get over them. But in the last 2 weeks, anxious feelings have started creeping up on me. Different to a panic attack cos its like I'm standing on a moving floor or in a lift that can't quite decide if its going up or down. My head is spinning yet I have no other symptoms, apart from maybe slight loss of appetite and the feeling of hopelessness I get after having spent a day trying to focus my head. I'm getting married in less than 7 weeks and it saddens me to think I'll have to be dealing with anxiety instead of enjoying the day like I should be. 3 weeks ago I was fine, now I'm all over the place. I just want to curl up in a ball and sob.:weep:

19-07-11, 15:59
Hi Loubylou31

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-07-11, 16:10
Hi Loubylou31,

So sorry to hear you feel so awful at the moment.
Do you think maybe it could be the build up of your wedding that is causing you to feel like this? Anxiety affects us all in different ways.

You're not on your own so don't feel you are.
There is so much support available to you on here.

Emily xxx