View Full Version : just when its going good

19-07-11, 16:36
just when i think am ok and its all gone away, and then the symptoms change and away i go again i get so scared and it lasts for days dose anyone get diffrent symptoms all the time?

19-07-11, 16:39
So far I've only had the lightheadedness. I'm still to see my doctor (all being well tomorrow) so I've still to rule out vertigo and other dizzying things. But the feeling of nervousness in my tummy has been there most of today. This has been my worst day so far, only been 'suffering' about 2 weeks at the moment.

19-07-11, 16:41
I've had no appetite, feel shakey and then I seem to be fine. Then an hour later it starts again. I'm anxious about when I'll get better. patience is not my virture

19-07-11, 16:42
Its driving me absolutely crazy!! I had proper panic attacks about 10 years ago and got thru them myself. Just wish I could remember how the hell I did it!!

19-07-11, 16:46
I was just thinking that myself. 10 years ago I had depression and anxiety. I somehow went to work and "functioned". I was put on paxil for a couple years then switched to citalpram - much better. now that I went off in december and need to go back on now I am a mess. I don't know how I did it before. Probably the same way I am doing it now but man it is not pleasant. I am even taking time off from work to handle this, but did not do it back then. I don't know how that was even possible. Survival instinct I guess.

19-07-11, 16:51
Mine started in work and I'm determined to not let it beat me that way. I think its been brought on by stress, I'm getting married in less than 7 weeks, my job just changed to being alot more work and pressure and the kids are on school holidays. Its so frustrating to not just be one of those people who gets stressed but thats it, why did mine have to turn into this carry on?!